fight part 2

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Naruto,sasuke and i were in the ice mirrors things and couldnt get out. Man this sucks. The masked guy kept throwing sebon needles at us. They hurt but once we are weak he threw them again for the last time and i seen sasuke jump in front up but i went in front of him waiting for the pain and then i felt like knifes were stabbing me mulitple times. I fell back and i heard my teammates call me but i couldnt talk then there was darkness.









I seen suki fall and i yelled out her name. "Suki stay awake". She closed her eyes and tears was falling from my face. Then i got the sharingan and attacked the masked guy.

As i seen my only bestfriend fall on the ground looking lifeless. I felt something inside me. Before i knew it i attacked the masked guy. Then i calmed down and the mask broke off and we talked for a bit until the masked man said im not ready to doe yet and jumped in front of kakashi-sensei's jutsu and died. Zabuza didnt seem to care to i yelled at him angrily while crying. Then i come to find out that zabuza really is human.

As zabuza was fighting off gato and his army i rocked suki's body back and forth crying until i picked her up and went to kakashi-sensei. He teared up and sakura came running happy until she saw suki and then started to cry. Suki why did you do that you idiot. After a few minutes of crying i heard a noise and it came from


*gasps* itachi why is ge here i thought angry. So u put suki down and started to fight him i will avenge my clan!!!!!!!


Suki she finally woke up and we took all the needles out and bured zabuza and haku. We stayed there for a bit until we finally went home.

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