seeing the red hottie part 2

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So far sasuke thinks he's cool and is trying to show off as Naruto just arguing with the cat man. I'm just bored out of my mind but then suddenly someone just said"kankuro stop this or I'll kill you". well it looks like he has anger problems. Anyway kitty/cat man was being scared and tried to explain what happens which he failed to do because I came in the situation like a boss!$.$ kankuro said "so sorry gaara". Hm his name is gaara thats cute with his no eye brows man saauke has a real competition. after that they tried to leave but someone just had to open their big mouth and ask why,are they here. I looked at her like "really" and I just really wanted to smack her but I didnt.................................... ............ ..

I almost did

Maybe I did nah I'm jk no I didn't smack her.

After sakura asked why they were here I thought to introduce my self but I need to know that guy that controls sand he seems so I said"hey who are you" then some fangirl said me I looked at her like "really"and said No coldly then told her the guy with the gourd.  then suki came to me and said "really they already said his name genius" I ignored her and he introduced himself and he asked me my name and I said "sasuke uchiha" and started at him as we had a eye contest then he looked away and asked suki. I wrapped my hands around her waist to see her confused and gaara glaring at me so I smirked. Then asked "who are you " she smiled and said "suki,suki hatake nice to meet ya".

What the heck is sasuke doing ewww now he's touching me what the neck is going on. Now he's smirking!?!?!? Gaara is glaring?!?!?!? I feel special

Why could Naruto be cool as sasuke or suki.

He was flirting with suki!?!?!?what the heck.

What is suki doing why is she on my sasuke!!! I will get you suki watch out.........

Author: hey guys

Gaara:*hugs author *

Author:umm gaara

*Naruto walks in*

Naruto:what are you doing to author-chan let her go!

*gaara ignores Naruto and keeps hugging auhor then sasuke walks in*

Naruto:*gets mad*

Sasuke:leave her alone

Gaara: I can't wait to kill you

Author:well jeez

Sasuke:*starts hugging author from behind*

Author:umm......guys I'm getting claustrophobic

*shikaru comes in*

Shika:well author does own Naruto *yawns * but owns suki

Author :*sweatdrops*uhh thanks shika

Shika: no problem


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