beginning of Nico's probation

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Nico was drifting asleep, whether he wanted to or not

They had stopped in the town pretty late. Naomi had stopped at an all night gas station, and sent the boys to a nearby store to get junk food for the remaining long drive, wad(ish) of cash in hand.

The two boys had gotten out, it was still pouring down rain, but Will held Nico close, smiling bright as ever. When they'd gotten inside the shop, shaking their wet hair and jacket off(both wishing they'd brought an umbrella).  Nico had found his favorite junk food in minutes, and had refused to use Naomi's money. "I have my own money Will, and besides, I'm not using your mom's..''
Will smiled a bit from Nico's kindness, "come'on, she offered,"
"nope. she didn't even need to pick me up, or even let me stay over for the week-she's not paying for my candy" he said as he took a box of cookie dough poptarts, and tossed it into the basket Will was conned into carrying. 
Will sighed at Nico's determination, sometimes it was really annoying how ridiculously kind Nico was. The whole rich kid stereo type could never apply to Nico-not in a million years. Seeing him on the street you'd probably assume he was on the lower class of the economy, and not the upper. 

They had walked back to the refrigerator section, Nico had grabbed a chocolate milk, Will chuckled, Nico shot Will a glare. Will shut up, taking a ginger ale from the chilled shelf. Nico took a gallon sized bottle of Dr. Pepper. Guess Nico wasn't kidding when he said he loved caffeinated drinks with a passion. 

Will lifted the basket onto the counter, Nico pulled out a fifty dollar bill from his pocket, the woman working look at Nico, and probably though it was stolen or something if not for Will's honest looking good-kid smile. 


The three met back up at the car, clasping plastic bags. "I take it you boys found something?" Naomi said, smiling, laughing easy. Will smiled as well, while Nico found their easiness almost unnerving. Will squeezed Nico's hand softly, and Nico felt an overwhelming wave of relief, he sighed. Will gave an easy smile, "come'on" Will started, "let's get going before we all catch colds" Will was even more mom-like, than his actual mom..

Road. just road for miles-and a lot of trees. 

Now, Nico had never been car sick-but its not like he went a lot of places in cars, he leaned against Will, his face the color of tree sap. "hey sunshine..? You okay?"
"yeah..grrrreeaaat" Nico sighed sarcastically. 

Will's expression turned serious, "here, I bought some Sprite, it'll calm your stomach" Will shifted around in the back seat until handing Nico the green colored bottle, opening it carefully so it wouldn't fizz and spill all over. Nico took a sip of the bubbly liquid. he groaned and tilted his head away from Will. 

"awe..Nico? how're you feeling?"
Nico didn't answer, Will gasped, Nico was unsure if Will was being dramatic, or was legitimately concerned, "MY POOR BABY!" Will screeched, causing Naomi to loose focus and glare at Will from the mirror. "Will! what was that for?" Naomi said, trying to keep her eyes on the wheel, "its a slippery road!"
"s-sorry mom.."
"its alright-but, why did you yell?'
"I think Nico's sick.." Will whimpered. NIco sighed in annoyance, sometimes he hated being sick-because of Will-sometimes he loved being sick-because of Will. 
"he'll be okay" Naomi assured, "probably just getting a bit queasy, right?"

Nico nodded, "see! he'll be okay" she smiled

"Okay.." WIll agreed uneasy. 
"I'm gonna listen to music.." Nico grumbled, pulling his phone and earbuds out of his coat pocket. 
"oh...okay" the blond haired boy took it as a sign Nico didn't wanna talk, and was just trying to find away to get out of the conversation. Nico pulled out his grey Skull-candy earbuds, plugged them into his phone, opening Spotify, and played the first song on the playlist of 'liked music'. His phone seemed to have a sense of humor. as it played, "Migraine'' by Twenty-One Pilots. 

"Am I the only one I know
Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat
Shadows will scream that I'm alone.
I-I-I've got a migraine
"      Same Tyler.. Nico thought sarcastically. 

"whatcha listen' to?' Will asked, 
"Here" Nico handed Will the other earbud.
"kay" he plugged the earbud in his ear and leaned against Nico as the song drew on until another song changed to Angel with a shotgun(by the cab) Will smiled "Your such an emo"
"Proud of it" Nico smirked, 

and by the end of his song shuffle he was out like a light with Will holding him close. 


"Nico..time to wake up,, we're home.."
Nico mumbled something tiredly
"come on~" 
"I will carry you."
"fine, do it."
'I will!"
"then do it." Nico smirked and Will didn't realized this was actually what Nico wanted.

The wavy haired blond collected his small boyfriend in his arms, Nico clutching his phone in a death grip with his backpack loosely sat on his chest as Will carried him in. 

Will deposited Nico on the couch. 

the raven haired boy squeaked in retaliation. Will smiled slightly "I'll be back, just gonna help my mom bring our stuff in"
"o-okay" Nico said, starting to shiver. 
"here" Will said softly, pulling a blanket from the couch onto Nico. 

Will frowned and left, he was going to become very pissed off if going on that stupid field trip made Nico sick. he was already mad enough due from the guy that hurt Nico. 

When Will finished up, he returned to where he'd left Nico, and found his curled up under the blanket, fast asleep, breathing awkwardly, with red cheeks and nose. his black hair brushed to once side, a soft expression, angelic as ever. 

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