The Search begins

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"meow?" Nico scratched the little kitten under the chin, and tried not to squeal. He cuddled the kitten tight-even though the cat was fuzzy and it was 90 degrees.

Nico couldn't decide what to name it, Hazel had named her's-a ginger, 'Jewel'

He considered the names, Frenchy, Lorenzo(after a past friend of Nico's) Its orange coat was simply adorable, and beautiful(though Nico figured it couldn't be comfortable in the hot weather,) and had radiant blue eyes. Jewel looked the same as, little no-name. Nico just wanted to pick the most perfect name ever. He took a photo of no-name, and sent it so Will, and waited for him to text back,

almost immediately, he did,

Will: aw! so cute! what its name?
me: I don't know yet, that's what I wanted to ask you.
Will: how 'bout Solace?
me: isn't that your last name?
Will: ...yes.

Nico rolled his eyes, even though-he kinda did like the name.
He picked up the tiny kitten, and huggled him tight. It was absolutely too cute.

Will; wanna come over 2 my house? :)

Nico covered his mouth, read it over again, just to be sure he read it right. Maybe this summer won't be too bad.

me: yes.
Will: I'll be over in a bit.
me: Okay.


That's when Nico realized he still wore a pair of sweatpants, and a captain America T-shirt. He was not going over to Will Solace's house like that.

He slipped out of the sweatpants, and pulled on his black, ripped skinny jeans, tugged off his Marvel shirt, in exchange for a Green Day shirt, no he was not emo-he simply liked the color black-and a lot of 'emo' music. He slipped on his black converse. His reflex to grab his bomber jacket surfaced, and he had to remind himself he didn't need it-it was summer.

Nico walked out in the sun, and squinted at the light, Bianca had joked when they were kids he was part-vampire, he never hated the sunlight more.

Nico knocked lightly on the door, Will busted through, "Nico!" Will squealed like a kindergartner,

"Whee-" Nico caught himself, "Will,"

Will smiled brightly, "so..Keith?" Will smirked, as he look at Nico, inviting him into the living room.

Nico felt his ears redden, ''it was the first name I thought of okay!" Nico provided,

Will chuckled, Nico was still red, ''why didn't you tell Artemis you were Nico?" Will questioned,

'', start." He said

''I guess that makes sense,''


'Yeah...''..."not really "Will added after a second of silence.

There was a brief moment of awkward silence.

"you think I'm looking forward? to going to school?"

"no, but we have all summer darlin." Will leaned in and planted a kiss on the forehead

Nico blushed profusely, but this time did not run-he couldn't.


"come'on Bianca!" Younger Nico squealed.

"Nico! I'm coming!" Bianca had smiled, when she finally caught up "why the rush soldatino? We have all summer." Bianca said, smoothing out his short bangs, giving him a peck on the forehead. Just as Will had.


It hurt. It hurt too much. The pain blinded him. The realities crashed together. Did he want Will? The answer: yes. of course he did. That didn't mean he could have him. Nico noticed he went to flash back mode. "scusa" he said, bowing his head.
Will tilted his, "sorry." Nico repeated-in English

"you okay?" Will asked, "you looked like you were trying to black out.

"end."(fine) he snapped.

"alright, just, .." Will sighs, "I worry about you okay? I just want to make sure your okay"

"questo è il problema! sei cieco! Tu sei cieca Sollecita! Non hai idea di cosa ti stai entrando! Non puoi fissarmi come vuoi! Non puoi! Non lo farai mai! Non sarò okay! Non lo capisci! come hai potuto! La tua vita è perfetta rispetto alla mia!" (that's the problem! you are blind! you are blind Will Solace! you have no idea what your getting yourself into! you can't fix me like you want to! you can't! you never will! Will I'm not okay! you don't understand that! how could you! your life is perfect compared to mine!)

Will was mainly lost, but a big part of understanding Nico was hearing his tone and seeing his body language. It only showed one thing: pain. "angel I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry if I did anything wrong. I can't tell what your saying but I can tell your hurting. let me help you."

Nico made a whimpering sound, "Voglio ... veramente Will.. ma io solo - non posso. Si potrebbe vedere troppo per guarire" (I want to..I really do Will..but I just-can't. you'd see too much to heal)

"angel..." Will repeated. taking Nico's arms. Taking every bit in his being, to not kiss him. "let me save you. "

That took it. Those four words. Nico was done. He couldn't take it. Nico stood. Just as he had the first time. "Non lo farai. Fai?! non sono degno! Non vale la pena risparmiare!" (Will you don't get it. do you?! i'm not worth it! I'm not worth saving!)

Nico's body shook with fury as he ran out of Will Solace's living room. and into his own home. Where Hazel and Hades both sat in the living room. Nico slammed the door. Ran up the steps, going, "thump! thump! thump!" "hey Nico!' Hazel said when she saw him, stroking Jewel. Nico was so filled with anger that he didn't even say hello to his little sister.

Nico began looking for something anything. That could possibly set him free. The search began.

Will began looking for something anything. That could possibly save his little Nico. The search began.

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