return to this hellish place called school

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Self harm/ self hate trigger!!

Will kept his tears quiet in the dark, So he would never worry his little Nico

Today that was not the case.

Nico had been on high alert watching Will. Making sure he felt good. Loved. And listened to. It was no easy task, but worth it. because he loved Will. They both needed each other so much, no matter if they never admitted it out loud.

But. No matter how strong they were. Will would snap.

Will was not one to come out and say how he feels. Neither was Nico. but even if they only were close to each other for a short time..they still knew.

"W-Will..w-what are you doing..?"
"I-its not like that Nico!" Will cried the day Nico had come over unexpected, as Will wrote the dreaded note.

Nico stood over Will's shoulder his mouth gaping open.
"Will!" Nico exclaimed
Will rubbed his eyes, "N-Nico.. I-I'm so.."
"Sorry? Honestly Will, I-I don't want to hear that bullshit...''
" s-sorry.."
Nico gave Will a fierce glare, but it melted as he saw Will's broken face. Why do I feel so rotten? Nico asked himself-but he already knew the answer-because it hurt so much-to see someone else be in pain and suffer-as much as he did.

"I-I'm sorry Will..." He breathed. "I-I'm so sorry Will..."
"Y-You didn't do anything wrong Neeks..."
"Yes I did Will! I was so-so careless...i-i didn't even see you were hurting so much..."
Will couldn't say a word. So he hugged Nico instead. Will kissed Nico's nose softly, "Don't let anyone tell you that Nico.." Will whispered, "And don't tell yourself it either...the harshest bully you'll ever encounter is yourself Nico.."
Nico stayed quiet after the statement.


Will had come home happy with a smile on his face. But came home and everything crumbled. he sank to his knees, praying his mother was not home. Will looked at his tan and freckled arms, and thought: I'm so privilege. so why do I want to do it so badly? Will never got his answer. His hands shook as he stared at the lit up phone is hand. He found himself unlocking it, flipping through his photos. The newest ones being of Nico, the foster cats and dogs Nico would let Will play with. Mainly they were photos of Nico holding them, so Will could take Nico's picture without needing to be discrete.

Will wiped his eyes, a tear escaping onto his phone making the screen glossy. I need to get out here.. He thought. Dialing a number.
me: hey Conner? I need to get out of here
Half-of-the-Stolls: where to will?

Will smiled at his phone. Conner always knew what to do.
me: I'm thinking beach.
Half-of-the-Stolls: can you do 3 weeks from now?
me: uh no...and neither can you! We're in school!
Half-of-the-Stolls: so? We'll just skip.

Skip? Would his mother approve of this? Well...who said she needed to know.

Will didn't know what to do. Nico was ignoring his, texts calls, emails, messages, hell, even his Snapchats. It was simply getting ridiculous. Did I do something wrong? He wondered. The summer was coming to a devastating end. And there was nothing Will could do about it.

The night before the return of school his mother had made pancakes for them both. Will would have helped. But Naomi would not let him. They ended up with black, charred flapjacks that neither wanted to eat. It smelled of something familiar to Will. Nico. Nico always smelt of burnt something. But it made no sense because Nico was really an amazing cook. Was he forced to eat burnt pancakes too? Will wondered dimly. He crunched the vial food quietly. Naomi laughed, she sat across from Will at the island which also functioned as a table. "Will sweetie you don't have to pretend to like it. I'll order a pizza." She smiled. Dialing the well known number.

Will opened the app Neko astume. Sadly no kawaii little kitties awaited him. He refilled the food bowls and collected the fish he was given. He looked up. His mother still on the phone, he scrolled through the shop, buying a dino deluxe for 999 gray fish. He smiled proudly placing it on the green rug on the virtual outside. He looked up again, his mother just hanging up. Will smiled, pressing the power button to turn his phone off.

Naomi smiled and said, ''so how have you been Will? I hardly get a chance to see you anymore. Got a boyfriend yet?" She joked, Will's cheeks burning red.
"Actually yes" Will choked.
"Oh? Who?"
He blushed darker.
"Th-the neighbor boy that lives across from us.." He unlocked his phone showing his mother a picture or two.
Naomi smiles intently at the phone. Will feeling his skin crawl. What if she didn't like him? What if they had to stop seeing each other!!? Will panicked. The doorbell rang, and Will sprinted to the door, glad for the excuse.

He came back with the steaming pizza setting it on the table. Naomi smiled, returning his phone. "He seems like a very nice boy. But I still want to meet him." She smirked.
Will blushed, "Y-yeah of course mom.."

Will took his phone pulling up Nico and his chatroom and sent a message
me: hey Nico. Bought pizza. Mom approves. C u at school? Love you 💛
Will sighed, sinking back in his seat. Praying Nico wasn't mad at him.

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