something and nothing

522 17 56

"Hey Keith! Will!" Said a voice, making Nico flinch. He was too absorbed in thought he didn't even hear Artemis approach.

Nico flinched again, right... The new start.

"" Nico replied, overly awkwardly, Will squeezed his hand, giving him comfort and reassurance. Suddenly aware of everything. Questions welling up in his throat and chest. When did she get here? Why are my palms so sweaty? Has Will been holding my hand this entire time?

Nico tried to keep himself upright, restrain himself from slouching back on Will Solace, relaying on him allowing himself vulnerable. He hated it. But..then again,...Will Solace, was a very special person to Nico-no...a significant boy...the boy that had gained his trust. Even if he was not up to give it.

There was two girls with her, one Nico had seen before-but didn't really know her name. She had electric blue eyes, black hair and blue streaks, freckles and pale skin. Nico couldn't help but feel like he knew her. There was another girl. She was just about the opposite, blonde hair in ringlets, braided, she held her head tall, sharp stormy grey eyes. Reminding Nico of the phrase, "eye of the storm" it was not a very good memory.

The three girls slid in the booths. Not in the flirtatious way both boy had experienced, this was more of a, show of respect, friendship and equality. Nico was pleased for this change. They introduced themselves as Athena Rella, and Thalia Grace.

Artemis spoke next, "My brother-Apollo, he's organizing a big party tonight. Do you think you can come? Its my job to get the word out...Apollo just wants me out of the way really." She then grumbled, "just as well...I would've snapped his neck.." Nico had the impulse to reach up and touch his neck.

"oh sure," Will smiled, finally letting Nico out of his grasp. Leaving Nico a bit cold, lacking Will's body heat. "Where's the place?" Will asked inventively

"The dorms," was all she said, leaving Nico with a head full of questions, and little answers, Will nodded as if it made perfect sense. Nico's jaw dangled open, the three girls went to the counter, to order something. Will looked back at Nico, frowned, and brought a finger, delicately closing Nico's mouth. Will then smiled, and whispered, "close your mouth sweetie, you'll catch flies"

Nico, then promptly blushing furiously, trying to go back to his previous stance, failing miserably.

Will gave a sideways smile, "its okay ghosty" Will said, putting an arm around him, "we'll go together...I'll even buy you an ice cream cone" Will's lips turned to a smirk as he added the last part. Nico's face was impossible to read, a blank slate, as some would say, he said finally with no emotion, "sure." Will beamed, with a smile that could light up the world, and Nico's mood for an eternity. Nico loved that smile. The one that never seemed to stop glowing. Never seemed to go away. Will was one of those people that simply never quit smiling. Nico loved him, and hated him for it.


"Will...are you sure?" Nico asked Will wearily. "I-i mean...I'm not one for parties...and I mean..don't you" Nico fumbled with his words trying to come up with an excuse as to why they couldn't go.
"Don't worry sunshine," Will's lazy smile strangely comforting.
"B-but Will what if something happens,"
"Nothing'll happen Neeks,"
"B-but Will, this is a college party."
"Yea?" Will did not seem to get the point.
"But what if we do something we'll regret?"
"Then we do something stupid." Will shrugs,
"B-but Will, what if we got drunk! Were underaged!" Nico exclaimed.
Will chuckled, ''who's gonna tell sunshine?" Bringing his fingers to Nico's chin. "Let's get ready," Will rushed

Many curses and insults later..

"Nico. You. Look. AMAZING!" Will squealed,
"You picked it out..." Nico grumbled.
The skinny jeans,with preripped holes clung tight to Nico's legs, the loose MCR T-shirt hung on him, his rib cage visible through it. "Can't I at least have a jacket?" Nico whined, "nu-uh" Will scolded.
Nico rolled his feet, from his toes to his heals, in the pair of shoes Will bought for him. Will had bought Nico almost a completely new look. Nico shivered, rubbing his scar covered arms. "Will!" Nico yelled-''hurry up!"
"Coming!" He shouted back. Entering the room back from the bathroom where he had changed. Will wore mainly what he normally wore... Faded blue jeans, a T-shirt(from HP, reading, I solemnly swear I'm up to no good.) A blue denim jacket, and blue flannel under it. Will was perfectly colors coated.

They walked to the mysterious place called, "the dorms" their fingers intertwined. Not speaking this time, but being in silence. Not the uncomfortable silence that allows the demons to take hold-but comfortable silence of knowing someone you love is simply there.

The neon lights were seen a block before the school came in view.
There were strobe lights, enough noise for anyone to get a migraine.

Nico stepped inside, Will gave one last comforting squeeze of the hand. People were everywhere in clothing from casual and nice like his own, to fancy short colorful dresses, down to girls in bikinis, down to nothing at all. Nico felt very displeased, and out of place.

He could smell the alcohol. He made sure to keep at Wills side, and swipe any mysterious red cups out of Wills hand. Filled by himself, or otherwise.

There were glow sticks everywhere, a boy at a DJ booth, Nico was sure had dilated eyes, he had stringy black curly hair. Nico didn't know him..and he was glad he didn't.

A boy came up behind, Nico would have known it was Apollo if it weren't so loud. If the adrnilin didn't slosh in his ears, if his head didn't throb, if he could still breath, if his heart didn't hammer in his ribs. Nico instead, kneed the incoming college kid... In the crotch. The guy behind him, falling down to his knees, Nico turned and dimly recognized the figure, and flung to the ground, "Oh god. Are you okay?!" Nico offered a hand, the boy obliged, Nico hardly baring his weight. "Keith, right?" Nico found his cheeks heat, "er...yes" Apollo shook Nico's hand once he stood, "Apollo Ange. Your pretty cute Keithy." Apollo winked, Nico blushed more, glad for the partial darkness. This guy looks too much like Will.. Nico thought.

Another voice shouted, "Apollo!" The guy came into view, he had dark skin, and eyes the color of grape juice. A fearsome spark in his eyes. The spark of challenge. A challenge of equality with someone he wasn't equal to. He wore cut off jeans, cut short. Too short for Nico's taste. "You hitting on the seniors again?" He flashed a dazzling smile. Apollo chuckled, "no Hyacinthus. I was simply admire the appearance of this boy," Apollo motioned to Nico, "what grade are you going into again?" "Ninth" Nico mumbled. Hoping they didn't hear. Hyacinthus laughed, "just a guppy ay? Apollo...I knew you liked them young but..." Apollo playfully pushes his head, a gesture Nico knew well, these two were an item the rival kind. Nico's favorite kind of relationship.The one he most admired. Maybe this Apollo guy isn't so bad...

Apollo seemed to spot the confusion, "this beautiful idiot here is Hyacinthus Stathis. He goes to your school... He's going to be a senior next year" Apollo kissed his boyfriend on the cheek, and continued, "he thought he wasn't going to make it to his sophomore year..damn boy...I told you I wouldn't let you end your life" Hyacinthus chuckled, "you didn't. I lived. You were right"
"Yes you did. You drama queen"
The dark skinned boy fake pouted, Apollo took Hyacinthus's hand, and they walked off. Nico liked them. He thought they would make good friends as long as neither tried to hit on him again.
Because he and Will weren't nothing. They were...something.
Ok! I finished this chapter. I hope this fluff break was ok. Honestly I feel like shit so...the last part might be offal I have no yeah. Hope you enjoyed it. Also...what'd you guys think of Apollo and Hyacinthus? Yeah I was going from memory as for descriptions, and their relaionships...sorry if I fucked anything up..also, SexyApollo...
Good bye.
*lights fade*
*tries to walk off*
*trips and falls on face*
You see nothinnnng *runs*

Their own definition of perfect(solangelo au)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt