Don't touch Nico unless you wanna get slapped.

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"my prince~.." Will whispered, hugging Nico

Nico looked concerning terrible, physically and mentally.

Will felt Nico quiver under his grasp. Will stayed quiet though and smiled, deciding he'd find an infirmary or something to help Nico. 

when the two stopped hugging each other, Will frowned, the longer he looked, the more angry he became. his poor little prince was so obviously in pain and recently abused. Will was gonna murder whoever did that to his boyfriend.. 

Nico was practically covered in hickeys, and other little hints Nico was most definitely raped in some way-or at least toiled with. 

He doubted it was someone from their school, as they all were very clear that the two were dating, and both could be very protective over the other. But some other dumb@$$ most to have done it-just..who though? 

Will would have to ask someone else that was there, he was pretty sure Lou was there, so he'd found the green haired girl in a conversation with Miranda Gardener about what he thought was..a Caterpillar? He didn't know..he just remembered Lou Ellen saying something about needing a sacrifice to Satan. Will sometimes wondered why he had such weird friends..

"Hey, Lou..?"
"uh...yeah? what's up Will?" she asked, all too casual. 

"I..ah was just wondering..did you see disappeared at one point?"

"Come to think of it..yeah, during the hike, ..Nico cussed Percy out and was sent back with some chaperone" Lou shrugged, "why?" 
"yeah?' she said, raising her eyebrows expectantly, "nothing, never mind" Will mumbled 

It appeared Will was back to square one. 


"Nico, who did this?" Will asked softly before he had to move onto the next project, the hike. Not really the tedious thing he was looking forward to. 
"who..who hurt my sunshine?" Will said looking Nico in the eyes. 
Nico squirmed under Will's tight gaze. 

"N-Nico..p-please tell me" Will said in still a soft tone like he didn't want to scare Nico away. Nico got up on his knees to match Will's height to hold Will in his trembling arms. 
"it-it was that-that counselor you didn't like.." Nico murmured. 
Will's gaze tightened, "that motherfucking bastard..." Will mumbled. 
Nico bit his lip. 
"didn't that asshole come with his girlfriend?!" Will growled. 

Will trembled with rage. Found the guy fast-and slapped him across the face. 


They got sent home early-but it was worth it. 

Naomi picked them up-and to both of the boys surprised-she didn't look mad in the least. she in fact-beamed with joy. The two boys walked up to the small parking lot, their hands laced together. Nico originally wasn't going to be sent home, but after he promised he would, and he was told no-..well things got interesting... Nico had been given Will's hoodie to hide the bruises, Will shivered because well-it was freezing. He was gonna catch a cold! but he didn't really mind..if it was for Nico. "oh the things I do for you" Will smiled as the car came in sight
"hm? oh-...ah sorry"
"no need to apologize sunshine, its my job to keep you safe."
"o-okay" Nico blushed a bit. 
Will chuckled. Will's mom unlocked the car, Will and Nico sat together in the back, as the passenger seat was filled with random contents. 

"why'dyou look so happy mom?" Will asked after they got in the car sitting pretty close, but of course still comfortable.

"they said you punched someone!" she said like she was proud

"for Nico-right?"
There was a color in his cheeks and he didn't even manage to say yes before Naomi smiled bright and said, "I knew it!-but I wanna know the whole story."

"its a pretty long one.." Nico said bluntly 
"its a long drive.." Naomi replied with a smile


"You cussed out a teacher for not expelling you?" Naomi shook behind the wheel-probably trying not to laugh, as that would probably set a bad example. 

Nico blushed from embarrassment. Will laughed, providing comfort to his little boyfriend, wrapping an arm around Nico's side. 
"k-kind of" he stuttered. 
"I dunno if calling that counselor a 'mother fluffing son of Satan on Earth.'"

"oh dear lord" Naomi choked. 

Nico blushed harder and was glad that the darkness obscured his blush. 

"darlings, you know I love you both, but, really-you couldn't even last a day? I didn't even have time to do anything after I got home" she said, smiling, making it obvious she didn't mind. 
"sorry mom" Will mumbled
"sorry Mrs. Solace.." Nico mumbled as well. 

"its all right, I imagine your father would punish you if he found out about this.."

Nico's eyes widened, he never thought about that. What would happen when his dad found out-he was suppose to be on a field trip the whole week, he'd never gotten in trouble really in school, and he didn't want to start now. 

"could he stay with us??" Will asked excitedly. 
"of course" she smiled like that was her intent. "door stays 24 inches open though" she smirked. Both boys went red again. 

"would you boys like to stop and get some food?"
"I'm goo-" Nico was elbowed in the ribs and glared at, as Will knew Nico had skipped the dinner he was told to eat. 
"yes please" Will smiled. 

she smiled, and they kept a light hearted conversation in the car, causing plenty embarrassment to both boys. they had stopped by a gas station in a small town, the first sign of any civilization for miles. 

Now, neither boy was too keen on being around any people, but it was pretty quiet, and late. Practically a ghost town. 

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