Trying to get back to normal

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Normal? Could you really call the relationship between Will and Nico that?

Their recovery to OTP status wasn't long. They got back to cuddles on the couch, watching YouTube faster than most. Nico laid on his ex-ex, out on Will's bed. He didn't realize how much he missed Will's company, the reassurance, the sense of him always being there. "Why did we ever break up?" Will mumbled into the crook of Nico's neck, causing him to blush "I-I don't know-but now I know how terrible my life was without you.."

Will looked, flustered from Nico's small gesture, it meant so much to him. he squeezed Nico's hand softly, "God,that was cheesy.." he stated " love you.." Will whispered, 
"I love you too" Nico mumbled back with a smile, getting droopy eyes since it was growing late. Will gave a soft smile, brushing Nico's feather-like hair out of his face. Will had really nothing to do. He couldn't sleep, but also couldn't very well abandon Nico. So, he pulled his secret stash of fortune cookies, and cracked it open, pulling the slip of paper out, and stuffing the cookie in his mouth as he read the fortune; you don't appreciate something until you no longer have it. Will couldn't help but believe how amazingly true it was. Will spaced out a while longer. 

He saw Nico shiver out of the corner of his eye, he smiled, wrapping the blanket he was currently in, around Nico as well. Nico stopped shivering, as he wore a sleepy smile. 


"William!" Naomi yelled the moment she found her son, sound asleep, in bed, with a boy. Not exactly the best first impression. Now, Nico was a heavy sleeper, so he didn't budge in the slightest.  Will om the other hand-bolted right up. "Mom!" he squeaked, red-cheeked. Nico stirred a bit, Will froze, brushing Nico's hair back, Nico smile sleepily at Will's touch. he sighed. "Mom, this is ...this is Nico..the-my boyfriend" Will claimed shakily. 

she seemed to have got it, and she nodded. "he sure is a cutie huh?" 
"MoOM!" he shrieked, 
Nico turned his head over, Will covered his mouth frantically. 
"Mom..j-just d-don't-"
"embarrass you?"
"Yes" he sighed "sorry..its just..I-I need him with me right now...and currently things are just hard...Yes, I want you to meet him-just I dunno how Nico would..ya know, feel about it?"
Naomi smiled softly at her caring son, "I do see William" she kissed him lightly on the forehead, and went to leave the room, before she left, she did call out, "door stay's open" 
Will blushed "Yes Mum.." 


Soon the silence got to Will and he emerged from his room, he left Nico wrapped up in blankets, and tiptoed through the hallway, before he was sure Nico wouldn't wake up. "Hey mom?" Will found his mother-in the kitchen-never a good sign, as the kitchen had a layer of flour on the ground and counters, appearing it had recently snowed from their living room to kitchen. "Mom-what are you.." he didn't even know where to start. 
"I was trying something out.." 

"Mom, please no" he held his face in his hand "just...why?" 
"well...I was going to try cooking again for...for fun.."
"Mom, you literally never cook-especially not for fun. Your like the Spencer Shay of the modern world" he said with a bored voice. 
"Hey, you loved those spaghetti tacos as a kid" Naomi joked.
"Yes, I did..but come'on. what about or agreement? I'd cook and clean if you did baking and and the laundry?"
"Yes, alright, I promise never to cook for my son and his boyfriend never again!" she said dramatically "Mom. stop" he tried not to laugh or blush. "just stop." 

While the mother and son talk, Will looked over at-what might have been meet loaf. Naomi was rubbish at using an oven,for anything but pastries and sweets.  "Mom, stove's on fire" Will rolled his eyes, 

"shoot!" she yelled "SHOOOOTT" 
Will snorted at his mom's desperate acts to not say, shit.

Will grabbed the fire extinguisher, pulled the pin, and sprayed it to the flames as the fire alarms blared. Naomi frantically called the fire department,(for the third time in the last month). 


Once they had everything sorted out with the firemen, they sat at the table. "Mom, you burned that meat loaf bad." Will snorted
"Yeah, yeah" she said with a smile.

Will heard a thump, and jumped up, it had came from his room. he stopped, trying to figure out what happened before he ran in. Will heard bloody murder screams and cries. screw it. Will thought, so much for practical thinking. 

Naomi followed closely in tow. 

he opened the door to a heart clenching sight. Nico was thrashing about in Will's bed. He had to act fast before Nico hurt himself. "Nico!" he cried, he sat in front of his bed, putting his hands on Nico's shoulders. " need to wake up" he felt something wet, he figured it was Nico crying but it wasn't-in fact-it was himself, he cried along while he tried to restrain his small boyfriend. He hated to see Nico in pain so often from his nightmares. It wasn't fair someone like him-who had never done a thing wrong in his life, was born with such a hefty fine. 

"sunshine..." he rubbed Nico on the back, Nico had physically calmed down, but he had muffled cried, it hurt Will-because it seemed like Nico...had given up. Will pulled Nico into his arms, and rocked him like a child, the way his mother would when he had nightmares. Nico slowed down, listening to Will hum lullabys. Naomi sat next to Will on the floor. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "You really love this boy...don't you?"
"With everything in my being" he sniffled, watching Nico's angelic expression, which looked serene,and sad, all at once. 

And then-there was a voice "W-Will?" Nico said groggily. his eyes red, his hair disheveled and messy. "hm? you okay darling?" he asked softly, Nico nodded a little, and leaned his head on Will's chest again. "Sunshine, you were having a nightmare" 
Nico sniffled, "I-I know.." 
"A rather aggressive one for sure.." Naomi added. 

Nico jumped, not expecting another person to be there. "Y-Your Will's mom..aren't you.."
"Yes, and your Will's boyfriend...aren't you?"
"Y-yeah" he whimpered, scared of what would happen, so he pressed himself closer to Will in fear. 
"its alright darling...she already knows."
"sh-she does?" panic welled up inside him. 

Naomi chuckled "Yes, and you two make a beautiful couple" she said cheerfully. 

"W-what?" Nico blinked, anticipating to be yelled at, hit, punched and spat on. He was not expecting positive feedback from her. 

"Nico..we get to stay together" Will smiled
"r-really?" Nico thought he would burst
"really" Will said, still smiling, tears in the corners of his eyes. 
Nico sat up in Will's lap, wrapped his arms around the taller boy, pulling him into a kiss. 


I want ya'll to vote. to vote on what? you  might ask..WELLLLL

Ima start a new au soon(no I'm not ending or giving up on this one) but I want to start something else.
first off, comment a ship to do this with XD 
and I'll give some options(comment a better idea if you don't like mine)

a soulmate au; self explanatory, I will update this and desribe what kind if this one's chosen.
coffee shop au;one character will be da barista, the other will probs be a college student or something XD
neighbors au; based around the ship, as neighbors basically 
a parlo universe au :3 (just a au about an opposite CHB) 
text message au; based around text messages probably i guess??
actors au; my selected ship will be mortal actors I guess XD
highschool au; set in highschool(like this one, but hopefully with less angst XD)
afterlife au; based around an afterlife of some type. (like by your side *cough* by me *cough* pls read it)
fairy tale au; takes place in a fairy tale of some type/fairy tale type story/setting
royalty au; takes place in probably middle ages(renaissance) this one will prbably be prince!Nico and thief/peasant/slave!Will. (I'm bored of angsty Nico XD)
'past' au; takes place in a different time, (possibly future) 
Voltron-PJO cross over :3 (or any other crossover really): self explanatory. 
A PJO game of Truth or dare, Possibly determined by u ppls. 
A general 'dare' au; the movie 'dare'(which was very unpopular but I still wanted to see) to be based around something like that. A deathly game of truth or dare-minus the truth...

pls and thank you for voting, and honestly, helping me get so far in this fanfic. :3 can't wait to start another one with all you amazhang readers! <3 ya.

Their own definition of perfect(solangelo au)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant