Field trips are for the less of intelligence

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"There is no way in HELL I am going on a field trip!'' Nico huffed stubbornly, crossing his arms while standing up. Will rolled his eyes from where he sat on Nico's bed

"its not like you have a choice, Neeks."
"who says I don't" 
"the school, sunshine"
"well I hate the school" Nico pouted, 
Will laughed and picked Nico up like a kitten by his front arms "so I've heard" Will smirks

"nooo! let me gooo!" 

"nooooooo. not until you sign the permission slippp" 
"fine. same rules though. no hugs, kisses, cuddles or walks to school.''

Nico pouted with his best puppy eyes. 

"doooon't give me thooose!" Will covered his eyes, trying to not think.
after a stubborn-off it was Will who won,but Nico promised he, 'wasn't happy about it'. Will then promised to give him 'extra love' the night before they went. Nico didn't even want to know what Will was planning. 


"Nico! make me dinner!" Hazel voice called up. Nico laughed, as Hazel was on her own little quest to prove she wasn't 'cute and smol' and she could be mean. Nico couldn't take her seriously.

"take me to the kitchen, boy!" Nico said, commanding, but then starting to giggle, loosing it all together. Will smiled, happily picking him up. Nico squealed, desperately trying to cling to Will. Will chuckled, keeping a firm grip on Nico, despite his size. ((now that sounded wrong out of context ey?))

he stopped as soon as they were in the kitchen, Will stopped moving, but didn't let go.
'Will." Nico prompted. 
"awe...but I just wanna hold you a little longer" he pouted, 
"let. me. go!' Nico squeaked, thrashing in Will's arms.
"hey! jeez. I'm gonna drop you!" Will said, trying to put Nico down carefully. "thank you" Nico smiled softly. 


"I don't want to goooo" Nico said, as Will tried to pull Nico and his bag out the door. 
"oh come'll be soo fun!' 
"noooo. it so won't!" 
"Nico. so help me..if I have to carry you out there.."
"and?"Nico smirked cruelly. 
Will went red in the cheeks, "Oh shut the hell up" he muttered. 
"awe~ will I be punished?" Nico said in a sweet tone, that he knew Will hated it when he used, struggling at not laughing his ass off. 
"Nico just..just shut your mouth...please?"
"since you asked so nicely~"
Will made a strangled noise, leading Nico out the door. 


"Will please don't make me go" Nico said desperately after they entered the school
"come'on Nico..I'll be here the whole time!"
"but...but what if something happens to Nala while I'm gone!" Nico panicked. "w-what if she runs out of food a-and Hazel d-doesn't notice or-or"

Will cut him off with a soft kiss "calm down sunshine, you'll be okay" Will whispered, finally getting Nico to his home room  class for attendance. 

Nico tapped his fingers nervously on his desk, he couldn't stop thinking of 'what if's. he just needed Will by his side. why did he have to wait another 15 minutes!? Nico must have been freaking out not only intern ally,but also externally, because someone else in his class, spoke up, "hey Nico? you okay?''
Nico nodded because he couldn't manage words. 

he kept his eyes to the ground until he heard Will call out "hey Neeks!"
"W-Will?" Nico whipped his head around. Nico started running. Will chuckled, holding his wide, waiting for Nico to collide his arms and chest. 

Nico did so-you would think they'd been separated for years the way Nico had ran to Will's side, and not minutes. "hiya hun." he smiled, hugging Nico. the younger boy nestled his nose into Will's chest. "baby, I hate to interrupt. but ah..we gotta get going..."
Nico frowned "o-okay" he said, slowly pulling away, Will held his hand for reassurance. They got on the bus, the highschoolers pressed far too closely together. Nico was just glad he managed to snag a seat with Will,(and some other kid, Carter? he thought his name was?).

While Nico was squished a bit between his boyfriend and a stranger, the sound of tens of kids chattering every minute or so of the ride, the bus driver would say over a squeaky speaker "Please refrain from using profanity'' but of course, its not like it  stopped them from yelling back, "too bad mothf#cker!'' It was a long ride to say the least. 


"Willlll its too bright!" Nico complained, yet again. He was just going to keep complaining until Will let him leave. 
"put on sunglasses then, hun." Nico puffed out his cheeks in a pout of annoyance. 

Will smirked, continuing on to check in, holding a pouting Nico's hand. 

Nico kept his eyes to the ground, he didn't want to do 'team building' exercises, he didn't even want to do regular exercises! much less Physical activity with others. he heard something about splitting into groups, one group going on the hike while the other group did the 'activities' he could already feel a cold going on! see the light in the horizon-he was done for-he was-"uh..Nico?"
k, maybe he couldn't go just yet-maybe he was being a little over dramatic. 

"yeah Will?" he looked back up from his fainting point on the dirty floor

"what are you doing?"
'ah, ...rehearsing my funeral?"
"wow," Will laughs, "am I invited?"
"you were the death of me, Solace." Nico smirked, "who the hell invites the murdered to the funereal?"
"Guess your right." he smiles, "am I not allowed to speak?"
"I dunno.."
"oh come on!" Will said, still a huge grin on his face. "I am your boyfriend!"
"was." Nico corrected, still a smug smile. 
"I'm saying a few words, you beautiful bastard." Will said, returning the smirk with his own. "Nico di Angelo was a great boyfriend!" he shouted, catching some of the kids attention as Nico shook with effort trying not to laugh. "not only a great boyfriend-but my boyfriend!" Will shouted. "he kept his stubborn-ass till the end!" he said, in a presenter's like voice. a few kids snickered as they knew this was true. "he was an amazing kisser and a hot date!" he said, causing Nico to turn red, a dog whistle erupted from the crowd. Nico believed he was going to die of possibly embarrassment, and not socialization. "but one thing he always did-was believe in me." Will said, obviously taking the sappy route. "the rest of humanity-not so much" Will added smirking. 

Everyone laughed till they cried, Will helped Nico up, Nico holding a few violets growing in a nearby plant bed(which Katie had given when she, 'showed her respects') holding Will's hand with his other. 

They proceeded to the activities, Nico now smiling. Will gave Nico his last kiss before Nico would utterly die of both physical and mental activities.


was this one worth the extra wait? yeah, probably not, but here it is! Since I have writing inspiration, expect more updates coming your way! Did you guess I had Fault in our stars on ma mind when writing this? XD no, Nico's not Augustus, and Will's not Hazel. No one's dying.  also, can I ask,(I expect an answer people -_-) do you people actually like-a) do you listen to the song? because usually its relevant to the plot. 
b) did you like this chapter? (it took forever, and it was kinda boring to write, and I want your honest opinion of what ya thought!)
c) what do you think of this more childish/dramatic Nico, eh? (I just wanna know so I know whether to write in the style or not)
d), lastly, I just wanna know-what's been your favorite chapter/ part. :3 I'm curious dats all frens. 

B I. 

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