Pokey's and apologises

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Pokey's were Nico's comfort food.

Why he might need said comfort food? You might ask, not only was he missing Will more than ever, Blake had turned up with a rare kind of puppy cancer. And Nico was almost positive he wouldn't make it. It was bad enough when an animal was adopted out, but at least that way Nico knew they'd be happy in their forever home, but when a small dog(like Blake) had a terminal illness like it-Nico hated it so much, because it was all so incredibly unfair. Nico always overreacted. He knew that. He'd admit it too. But with his homework piling up, as well as his emotions, stress and depression, he was lucky to even get three hours of sleep. He practically lived on cafine. And he knew Will wouldn't like that. 

Will was the type of person, after a real shitty day, wouldn't change no matter what. While sometimes that factor of him was mind numbing, because Nico constantly changed. But Will was always there. Constant and loving, with his arms opened. 

Nico almost texted Will-again. He wanted to see him so badly-but he couldn't even think of his blonde hair'd neighbor, without the guilt of that horrible day at the beach. 


He was going mad enable to speak to Will. He needed him so badly. Nico didn't know how he even survived before Will came along-before he leaved to america. Back then Nico's worst worries were merely being bullied for his sexuality, the nightmares of his big sister. While all these things still haunted him, he'd grown used to them. Bianca used to almost always be on his mind. Now he had Blake, Hazel, Will, Percy,-heck, even Jason. Its funny how problems can look so big when your small, but new ones always seemed to grow with him. 

Nico wanted to see Will. But who was to say Will wanted to see him? he unlocked his phone, with the numbers of his ex, and flipped through his photos. It was now incredibly empty, as most of his photos had featured them both. he sniffled, putting his phone down, upping the volume. Probably killing his ability to hear with tracks by MCR. 

There was a knock at his bedroom door. Probably Hazel-again. she knocked on the door, but Nico didn't answer, since he was more tuned in to the broken up band playing on his phone. 

Hazel eventually grew tired of Nico not answering and just moping around the house. Underthe advisement of her friend Piper, the girls had come to a conclusion: Nico was going through a break up. Why hadn't he told her? Nico sure was stubborn..but seriously? Nico didn't tell his little sister-that he broke up with possibly the only person to ever make her happy? Hazel needed some back up. Hazel knocked once more, when there was no answer she just opened the door and hoped he wasn't mad. she filed in with Piper, and Reyna(Reyna was basically their adopted cousin, and was currently visiting) 

"'di Angelo, get up" Reyna order. 
Nico made something of a squeak, "R-Reyna?"
"Get outa bed" Piper added
"woah, slow down, who the hell is this chick?" Nico raised his eyebrows to Piper. 
"Piper's my friend..'' Hazel added shyly. 
"don't we go to the same school?!" Nico said to Piper. 

"probably not, I'm home schooled" she said in a bored voice. 
"oh.." Nico muttered sheepishly. 

"its all cool" she winked. 

he rubbed his eyes surveying the girls, their different postures, trying to decide what they were up to. Reyna had her usual stance, her head held high, like the natural leader she was. Wearing a pair of regular converse, a simple tank top, leggings(maybe tights) which were ripped, and a pair of faded shorts over them. The closest Reyna Ramirez Arellano ever came to 'street wear'. Piper wore a similar style, the worn out 'hipster' look, Nico could easily imagine her at their starbucks, taking selfies with a boyfriend(or girlfriend, hey, Nico didn't judge). Piper wore something a little more fit for fall, ripped jeans, a pink cap, and a faded green shirt(with a jean jacket over it) you could tell Piper enjoyed thrift shopping. Piper held herself like she was scared-ashamed even. Of herself. Nico wondered what her story was..Then his sister. Her posture showed she meant no harm. She usually never did(though those bullies back in grade school thought twice after messing with the di Angelo kids). Hazel wore a mint green sweater, white cut-off jeans, brown flats, plus enough bangles on her wrists to make everyone in school hate her for all the jingling. (but this was impossible, since everyone basically loved her, or admired her in some way). 

"Nico. You need to get off that lazy ass of yours and talk to Will." Reyna glared at him. She was always very straight forward with him..Piper folded her arms, while Hazel looked a bit more sympathetic. Hazel always tried to take his side since day one-when no one else really ever did. Reyna, on the other hand, stood for whatever she believed in, whether she was on Nico's side or not. she believed in simply truth and justice. Nico had no idea what to make of Piper-because he knew so little about her. She made no sense to him. Her combination of designer and grunge clothing. She clearly had the money, but why would she simply buy old clothing? As Nico himself had grown up with little to no money, then his dad shows up wealthy, with more than enough money, Nico didn't know what to think. 

"come'on Nico," Hazel tried. Piper looked kind of uncomfortable. Nico pitied her.

Nico sighed, unwrapping himself from his lovely blanket fort he'd created. It was nearly perfect, all he needed to do was figure out how to install a bathroom..) "hi" he breathed, irritation obvious in his tone. 

Piper shook her head like she was the one pitting him.. "Come here child"

Nico glared at Piper "I'M NOT ANYONE'S CHILD!" he yelled. Reyna scoffed, Hazel looked away with a sarcastic smile, and Piper just snorted.

"suuure. okay, come'on, let's get you in some decent clothing" she smiled at him. Nico looked down with an icy stare. 


"Okay, when was the last time you brushed your hair?" Piper raised an eyebrow, Hazel laughed, taking a bit of his hair, and throwing it in his face. Minutes later Piper had dubbed him 'ready' to see Will. Nico was not keen on this idea. But he swallowed his fear, and did the shaky 30 or so feet to Will's house. He would be home by now. Nico knocked lightly. and felt a lot more relaxed when he saw Will's mother was gone. It was just Will when he opened the door. Just Will. Just Nico. Just us

Will didn't look angry. He just looked sad. Nico gave a hallow sniffle "I-I missed you" he whispered. 

There were tears in Will's eyes when he replied, "s-so did I." 
Nico stood there trembling for a moment or so. With a blank memory, why had they broken up in the first place? Neither could remember. They just knew they missed the other more than words could explain. Nico started towards Will. "get in these arms" Nico smiled, even though there were still tears on his cheeks, he obeyed happily, and cried into Will's shoulder. 

"I-I'm s-so sorry" Nico hiccupped
"its alright..." Will whispered, comfortingly, rubbing circles on Nico's back. "I am too" he whispered back. 

"c-can I stay over?" Nico whimpered. 

"any time darling." Will smiled, with that smile that never seemed to change. It was as if they were just put on pause. It was one of those arguments that weren't worth fighting over, but got over there stubbornness, to realize how much they really needed each other, 

"w-we're okay" 

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