Nico can't work in groups.

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"Nicoooo wake uppp" Will said the next morning

"nooo" Nico mumbled, turning away from his overly excited and bubbly boyfriend. 
"its...time for school! time for school! time for school!" he jumped on Nico as he quoted the secretly dark movie about fish.

he groaned turning over "no.." 
"Nicooo" Will said in a whiny tone

Nico sighed, Will's puppy dog eyes was his breaking point. 

Nico got up regretfully, frowning, ready to cry over the departure of him and his bed. and after the weekend he just had-the last thing he wanted to do was go to school-on a Monday. 

"i'll come back up in ten minutes, and if your not changed by then I won't give you kisses or hugs, or cuddles or walk you to school for a week." Will promised
"b-but WIllllll"
"no but's Nico. get ready. please?" 
"fine" Nico said through a sigh, moving towards a set of drawers with some jeans in them, silently debating on whether to go emo or pastel on that day. 


"Guess that I said motivated you eh?'' Will smirked as he found Nico downstairs, and ready.
"shut up.." he muttered, shoving his hands in his black ripped overalls. 
"also, might I add you look very adorable in that outfit."
"shut up" he muttered, redfaced.

Nico wore, well, black ripped overalls, underneath, a lavender violet T-shirt, and white converse (and pastel rainbow socks under them).
"Why didn't you brush your hair out though, hun?"
"I...I was hoping you could help me...?" Nico said quietly
Will chuckled at his boyfriend's shyness. "Come're" he patted his lap, where he was sitting on e couch Nico came over, and sat down silently. Will smiled, enjoying being so close to Nico, and him voluntarily letting him touch his very soft hair that he always had to wait till the other was a asleep to run a hand through.

He handed Will the comb(which had a hair tie wrapped around it), Will brushed Nico's hair in sections(for fear of hurting the boy) "finished?" Nico asked after a while.
"Yeah almost done" Will twisted the tan ponytail, and secured it. "Let's get going then" Will said cheerful grabbing his backpack. Nico rolled his eyes, but still smiled lovingly at him as he picked up his own black, and golden stud bag and leather jacket. Damn. He looks like a regular Yurio.


"where's Hazel?" Will asked as they were leaving the house, 

"uh..she said she's getting a ride from guy?" 
Will 'ooo'ed, "Hazel got a boooyfreind?" he asked in a sing song voice. 
"so what?' Nico raised his eyebrows "its not my life, so, I don't know"
"your so boring Nico" Will snorts
"I know" Nico said smugly. 
Will rolled his eyes in return as they finally made it back to the crowded courtyard, of the hellish place entitled 'school'. 

Will had followed Nico to his locker, and when Nico had gotten his binder for his first period class, Nico had walked with Will to his, chatting about the newest horror movie to have come out. 

The two went their separate ways however, as Will's first class was math,  and Nico's was science. 


She drones on in this mono toned voice. It was doing 0 favors for anyone in such an early morning class in the factor of keeping them awake. Nico tried to pay attention but he had really no idea what she was talking about, and his mind had an extremely hard time staying off of the perfect features of Will Solace. 

Nico heard the one dreaded word; groups. groups? like-work with people-in groups!? Nico internally panicked, they didn't really have a seating chart, so you'd be stuck in that seat for the rest of the day. It was both genius, and idiotic. 

He wasn't with the worst of people, Thalia; the now captain of the girls' archer club(which, according to Nico he found incredibly sexist), Rachel Elizabeth Dare; the schools' known, 'odd-ball, Nico knew he could at least tolerate her for the day..Grover Underwood; a closer friend of Percy's then his, a very sweet kid, but always very timid around Nico, then of course;Piper. Piper was going to be the death of Nico. he really hated the whole, 'put the kids in the class they belong in based on their skill level', in other classes that was great. wasn't exactly him strong suit. Meaning while he was mature, his classmates weren't, and often didn't try. 

How was it Rachel was the one leading the project? 

Thalia and Grover were in some type of conversation about some guy; Luke, Nico was pretty sure he heard, while Piper kept bugging him about Will. they were nowhere near finishing and the class was half over! 

"class, you'll need to choose a leader, a writer, and reader." the young and way too peppy teacher says, 
"oh so now you tell us?' Nico mumbled sarcastically. Nico hated the teacher-Mrs. Mclain, and she probably hated him, as she constantly dress coded him-whether he actually was breaking it or not. it was annoying as hell.


It was the end of the day and NIco's head hurt like crazy! He'd been chosen to read this very long article, highlight main ideas(which was supposed to be determined by Thalia, but she wasn't paying attention in the slightest) while constantly trying not to yell at Rachel to write like a normal person-deffenitly not the best way to start the day. 

five minutes till, Mrs. Mclain spoke up again, "oh children" she cooed, Nico grinted his teeth, knowing no one in the class would be happy being referred to as children, even if most the kids in the class were freshmans and juniors.  "I have exciting news!"
"oh shit" Nico said-out loud anciently, 

"we'll be going on a field trip. 

''no." Nico whispered, 

"at a wild life retreat for the upcoming week"

"lord no" 

"to practice teamwork and trust building exercises!"

Nico thought he may cry, what if Will wasn't going? what if something happened while he was away? what if he got lost in the woods and never got to see Will ever again? what if he got abducted by aliens and eaten by an alien bear!-okay, Nico might have been overreacting a little, but he was flat out terrified. 


"so...we're going on a field trip-huh?" Will looked up as they were walking back 

"yeah..? your going aren't you" 

"yeah" Nico smiled, this field trip was beginning to sound more and more appealing..

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