take to the beach pt. 2: Will edition

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Half-of-the-Stolls: beach time William.

Will groaned, reaching over for his phone (which was plug into it's charger by the outlet) and basically dragging himself out of bed through the hallway, into the kitchen. His mother was long gone for work, and Will was left alone to make breakfast. he sent a quick good morning text to Nico. the other didn't answer quickly, so it meant Nico was probably ditching yet again.  Will thought about inviting Nico-but decided against it. 

He rubbed his tired eyes, he needed to do something...but what was it? he'd already forgotten. he started to walk back to bed when his phone made another sound. Conner. it said, did i wake the sleeping beauty? Will grumbled and typed, yes. now go away. There was a knock at the door. Will groaned, then he heard it. Conner stood on his porch, he sighed and let him in. 

"what we having for breakfast Willy my boy?"
"Do you really wanna poke this bear?" Will said tiredly. 

"Yes." Conner grinned, then poking Will in the stomach, 

"knock it off Conner.." he grumbled tiredly. 
Conner raised his hands in defeat. Will sighed in relief. 


They had pancakes with chocolate chips, and luckily were not charred and black like the last stack of pancakes Will had consumed. 

"my god Will!" Conner exclaimed, shoving a full pancake in his mouth.
Will had a small smile, glad someone was appreciating his pancake making sills. "chew Conner." was all he said though.  

"Travis and Katie are driving by the way." he said with a mouthful. 

"Yeah." he nodded, "Travis had to pick Katie up, then he's gonna pick us up. 

They got out the door, when it was still relatively early.  Will fell back asleep lulled by the bouncing of the car as Travis drove, Katie hummed, and Conner said whatever random thought came to his head. 


Will woke up from a good dream by Conner, "Will! we stopped to get food. You want something?"
"Yeah. sleep. go away." he grumbled, turning away from Conner. the other teen rolled his eyes, shaking Will again.

"what?" he hissed 
"God dude. You really do need this. Come'on Will-your gonna have an amazing time-if its the last thing I do." he exclaimed.
"Conner. Its just a gas station. let me sleep."
"nope. opportunities my friend." he smirked, grabbing Will's arm to pull him from the car. 


Will looked down at his flipflops as Conner paid, 
"is that my wallet?" Will said as he looked up.
"yes." Travis laughed, Katie rolled her eyes. 

Will got a bag of watermelon flavored candies, everyone else got loads of stuff. he didn't really care. 

"so...Will...why didn't you bring your boyfriend?"Conner asked without looking away.  Will blushed and looked down at his bag of candies. 
"he ....he wouldn't answer my texts..an..and yeah.." he mumbled

"Conner?" Travis asked his brother, Conner jumped, appearing to be switching Will's candy for ghost pepper flavored ones. 

"Malcolm doesn't skip school-remember?"

"right.." Travis frowned.
"Travis your going the wrong way." Katie pointed out. 
"I am not!" 
"Yes you are! You said we were going to go to the tulip festival!" she yelled at him,
Conner sighed "shit..your right.." he mutters

Conner turned the car. Will sighed. Lying back against the window, pulling out his phone to text Nico, hey Nico..going to the beach. Miss you 💛


The beach huge. But it wasn't like Will had seen too many beaches. There was some wind outside so it was a little chilly, Will decided against going in the water since it'd probably be ice cold. And there was a sign warning big waves. Will hummed a tune, walking across the boardwalk, while the other three went straight to the water, he heard a lot of screaming and didn't really know who it was or why. He walked till the end, that was when he found out who it was. He recognized the voices. Nico..and Percy.

While their conversation was inaudible to him, it didn't look good. stop it Will! he scolded himself, don't jump to conclusions!  But it wasn't easy to come up with an explanation. Will held his breath and watched just  a little longer. Percy and Nico   were close to the shallows. But deep enough Percy's surfboard would still float. Percy said something, and leaned in. Will gasped, running down the boardwalk steps, on the verge of tears, he said, "N-Nico?" 
Nico jerked away, clumsily falling in the water again, Percy laughed a little.  Nico got onto the beach again, standing by Will. "W-Will?"
"Yeah. its me." Will frowned. "N-Nico I thought you were better than that.." he said slowly, trembling with rage. 

"what? Will I-"
"You should have at least told me!'' Will snarled "I knew I should have never told you!" 

"how. long.?" Will asked, heartbroken. 
Nico let go a breath, "Will...its nothing. I'd never cheat on you.."
"I can't ignore the facts Nico!" he cried. 

Katie-whom was the closest came to Will, "Will..?" she took in the situation, she put a delicate hand on his arm. When he ignored her, she grabbed it tighter, holding him back. "Will." she prompted. 
"Katie not now!" he yelled. "I-I can't be with someone-that doesn't want to be with me!" he screamed, tears pouring out of his eyes. He somehow managed to not show any weakness. 
"well-if you don't want to be with me-" Nico choked up "then I won't be with you!" Nico cried, unable to hide his emotions like Will. 

She saw the fear and sadness in his eyes, she pulled harder. "Will come'on!" he allowed her to pull him away without complaint 

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