Only fools fall(this is the last lyric title Lol)

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Nico only got to chapter three by the time Jason and Percy found him hiding in the nearest starbucks

"Nico!" Percy panted,
"Damn that kid's fast"  Jason said, both taking a breath in between each word.
Nico only barely looked up from his cup of hot coco and book, fault in our stars. Nico sighed. He knew his fun was over. back to hanging out with 'the boyz.'..

Percy sat down beside Nico to his right, (Jason sat on his left). Percy lacked his usual charm and charisma. "Hey guys.." Nico smirked evily. 
"Y-you could h-have just" Percy started, still panting, he dropped his face on the table, gasping heavily. Jason slung an arm around Nico, which in return Nico glared at the boy. He removed his arm, Jason's smile wavered. How was it Jason had already recovered from running all over the mall? This guy was far too perfect..."So Neeks, you change your facebook status yet?" he asked, Nico wrinkled his nose and shook his head. "I haven't been on it in like forever..." he started, pulling out his phone. The second Jason saw it, he took it from his hands. "password?" Jason arched an eyebrow. "6" Percy started, still gasping, but starting to catch his breath, "2-1995" Nico blushed and looked down-as that was Will's birthday. He was lucky Jason and Percy weren't aware of. The boys were basically trying to cut off every existence of Will from Nico's life. They said it was best for him. But Nico wasn't quite for sure. 

By the time Nico came out of his dark hole of thought. Jason said, "done!" in an annoying sing song voice.  Nico looked back at them, taking his phone, glaring because no one had asked to handle his child.  

Jason and Percy got up to order drinks, while Nico scrolled through what the older teen had done. Jason made a post: single and proud! as well as his relationship status, and photo. It made his heart clench, that was his favorite of him and Will. now it was some dumb Selfie Jason had taken probably taken a moment ago. He'd have to remember to change that later.

The two came back with their drinks, Percy offered Nico a cup of black coffee, Nico wrinkled his nose "ew, why would I even want that bitter shit" 
Jason raised his arms, meaning, "I mean no harm!" 
"let's just go" Nico huffed getting up. grabbing his bags from hot topic and the bookstore, wishing he could read more, be with Will, and...well, not forget his coco back in starbucks.

Percy gasped like he had a brilliant idea(which Nico very much doubted) "Jason, we should take Nico to the ice skating rink!"
"what?" Nico choked
"oh yeah!" Jason smiled "Yeah. brilliant Perce!"
"we have an ice skating rink!?' Nico said, still choking. 

The boys ignored Nico, as they linked arms, starting off with a complaining Nico trailing behind them. 


Nico never really thought about skating. maybe back when he was younger, or when Will first watched Yuri on ice with him, he thought about it. But never would he actually attempt it! 

Everyone there was far too social, and far too happy to start up  a conversation with him. Nico tried to find a polite way of saying "fuck off, I didn't want to be here in the first place." 

Nico lost count of how many times he fell on his ass while trying just to glide across frozen water. Eventually though, Nico managed to run off again, (Nico hoped Jason and Percy never have to become father's because there would be no way they would be able to keep up with a child, if they couldn't even keep up with a pretty unfit Nico). 

He ran outside, and jumped on one of the planter things(since his house was far too away to walk to) It took about an hour for Percy and Jason to realize they lost Nico yet again. 

"NICO!" Percy groaned, 
Nico groaned as well, he was at a really good part too! 
"Pere, why don't we take Nico home..I don't think he likes it here much.." Jason regarded Nico like an antisocial child. 
"Yeah..I guess" Percy reluctantly agreed. 


The drive home was awkward, and longer than the drive down. "are we almost there?" Nico asked impatiently from the back seat. Percy turned from the shotgun seat, "nearly Neeks" he chuckled. Nico sighed, and looked down, considering to read more. Eventually he shot that down since he was almost positive he'd just get motion sickness. 

"are we there yet?" he whined again roughly two minutes later. 
"not yet child, hush" Percy grinned. 
Nico puffed out his cheeks, "I'm not your child!" 

"don't disrespect your father Nico" Jason smirked while he kept his eyes on the road.
"guyyyyys!" Nico squealed, hiding his face in his hands "your not my parents!" 

"aww" Jason and Percy said in sync 
"he'll come around" Jason promised, patting Percy on the shoulder. 
"this isn't the son I raised" Percy said dramatically. 

"Yeah, you never raised one" Nico said flatly with a glare. 
"that's it your grounded when you get home!" Percy tried to sound authoritative, but he cracked a smile and ruined it. 


At the end of the day, all Nico really wanted to do, was curl up and cuddle with Will. but he couldn't. and it was the worst feeling in the world. For love is a trap. and only fools fall. 

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