Percy again

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Nico's phone vibrated.

Nico lit up the screen to see a number he hadn't seen in years, put into his contacts as, Persea: hey cuz! I hear ur in town! Wanna hang out?

Nico nearly jumped for joy. He'd had no one really to talk to other than Apollo, Artemis and Hyacinthus. But then Nico's heart sank. They both had school.
me: I'd love to.
Persea: so?
me: fine. When you want to go?
Persea: anytime is good with me. This is our day!

Our day. What did that mean, our day? Our day to hang out? Our day to make out? Merdra Nico stop it!" Nico scolded himself. "You have a loving boyfriend!" He said a bit loud.

The jack Russell, Blake the current puppy he was fostering looked up with concerned brown eyes. Nico rolled his eyes, patting the bed. Happily, the white and brown dog hopped up next to him. Nico scratched him behind the ears with a halfhearted chuckle.
"Its okay girl.." He smiled to the dog "I miss Will too..." He muttered. Nico wondered if he'd done the wrong thing again. What if Will started cutting because of him? Did Will even have someone to talk to?! What if Will thought he hurt him?!

Nico had never felt this feeling in such a long time. He'd never felt so numbingly alone. He could've texted someone.. But he wanted to physically see someone. Feel their touch. Hear their voice. He wanted to see Will. But..couldn't. He grabbed a blanket, and opened up his computer, typing in the password, logging into Crunchyroll and selecting the next anime he was to watch. Yuri!!! on ice. Nico sank back into the chair as the beginning prologue started. He never fails to surprise me. Nico sighed in content at the familiar style of art before his eyes, and the comfort of the English subtitles. Something he knew far before Will. Something that would never go away. Steady and real. Oddly enough. Steady and real to Nico di Angelo, is nothing more than subtitles for a Japanese animation, with a cup of piping hot coffee, curled up under a blanket with the laptop.

Nico didn't know when things turned so gay in this anime, but he didn't care. He might have developed a crush on one of the main characters-Viktor. Unfortunately, that was not a possibility in real life. He slouched on his elbows with a sad sigh. But his heart simply wasn't in it. He desperately wanted to know what Percy meant-but was too chicken to ask. Nico turned off the computer. His eyes drifting to his phone. Should I call Will? No. A simple text. Nico flipped through his contacts it was put at the bottom due to being unused for a couple weeks. Hey Will?
S☀lace: NEEKS! Omg! Nico! I'm so so sorry!!😩 please forgive me!😥
me: Solace. calm down. You don't need to apologize. You did nothing wrong. I was trying to give you some space to make you feel better.
S☀lace: oh...can we maybe hang out? Please?

Nico sighed. This was why he didn't want to see Will IRL just yet. He wasn't sure if Will was ready to see him. But in truth, Nico wasn't sure he was ready just yet. He was still trying to process it all. And with the school year starting up again, there was too much stress on the couple.

me: Will. Another time okay?
There was a long terrifying silence.
S☀lace: oh...okay...
Nico could practically hear the disappointment in Will's tone
me: Will, don't go off doing something stupid alright?
S☀lace: alright...
me: thank you <3


Nico had fallen asleep on the floor, wrapped in a blanket, Blake was nowhere to be seen, and his laptop on sleep mode, after it had ran through every episode in the skating-based anime. He had a few texts, one from Hazel, a good morning text from Will. He heard someone pulling at the window. but how was that possible? His room was on the second floor! But low and behold, there was. Nico rushed to the window, coming eye to eye with his school boy crush, Percy Jackson. "Percy!" He yelped,

"Nico." He grinned, totally casual. 
Nico grabbed Percy by the arm, pulling him in. 

Percy sat up, he wore a blue hoodie(one from the school's swim team-Nico was sure.) he had a pair of cut off jeans, a goofy grin, and his hair swept to the side. 
"Ready to go to the beach?" he asked, a glint of rebellion in his eyes. 
"not really.." Nico mumbled, Especially since he still was in an animal oonsie, his clothing designated for watching anime and moping. To say the least-he wore them often. 

"nice PJ's." Percy smirked, Nico felt his face burn red. 
Nico struggled to get to get a pair of jeans, a shirt, shoes and jacket. 
Percy chuckled at the sight "Neeks, when was the last time you went to the beach?"

"a while ago.." he mumbled

Percy sighed with fake disappointment, "Nico, Nico, Nico.." he shook his head. 

"what?" Nico yelped 
"come here child..''
"I'm not a chi-" Nico squealed, the moment he was off the ground, Percy ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time.
"hey Hazel, hey Nico's dad" Percy waved casually, like he wasn't basically kidnapping Nico, his arm around Nico's body, not very well holding on, but still stable.  

Percy dumped Nico in the passenger seat, and started to drive. 

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