Will's rescue

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They were subjected to a hike. A HIKE?! Nico was so dead...well, again. 

There was mud and dirt everywhere. Its not like Nico was germaphobic-but still, that was a lot of gross. 

Nico didn't really know most the kids. he just knew he wasn't in Will's group, and he was pretty pissed off about it. A hike though?!  Nico's legs were already burning at the thought! He looked around at the assortment of kids in his group, he didn't know most of them-and he didn't /want/ to know most of them. Nico longed for his college friends-heck, even Hazel's middle school friends. he didn't like being in high school, high school was a place where absolutely no one acted their age. No one acted like they knew their place. The other she knew on the trail were Percy Jackson-Nico was never keen to be around Percy anymore-Annabeth Chase-she kept giving him and Percy dirty looks-what was her problem?-Lou Ellen-he only knew her through Will-and Cecil-from what Nico understood Cecil and Lou Ellen were a thing. 

Everyone else were complete strangers. 

he just kept his head down, and kept moving foreword. they couldn't be that much farther from the top-right?

Nico couldn't have been more wrong. It was several miles, up hill. He was so dead. Percy had dropped back to smile at Nico, Nico made a point to look away after throwing Percy a murderous glare.  "hey Nico" Percy said, trying to make himself known. He didn't like being ignored. and that's exactly what Nico was dong. 

Percy just kept smiling brightly,
"what's your problem?!" Nico snapped suddenly. 
Percy was taken aback. 
"then leave me alone.." Nico growled. 

"there  problem back there?" a teacher asked. 

Nico looked up, a bored expression as he muttered, "no we're fine.."


And when Percy appeared to Nico's side again Nico said to shove off. Naturally Percy didn't. making Nico's frustration sky rocket for whatever reason. 

"I SAID TO FUCK OFF PERSEUS!" Nico had yelled once he had gotten to the end of his rope. the yell, and swear. not going unnoticed as Nico was sent back to camp with an oddly young looking chaperone. 

"you look a little young to be a chaperone.." Nico speculated. 
"I'm a college student, hun." Nico cringed the way the guy said, 'hun' it was thing when he and Will said it, it was another when an obviously gay guy throws around those kinds of nicknames. He just wanted Will back..was that so much to ask? 

Apparently it was. As Nico found himself pinned up behind a cabin with a man that was obviously not a very chaperone, as chaperones don't normally pin the people their chaperoning to walls and kiss them involuntarily. 

Nico tried to get away, but to say the least he was...er..experienced.. The guy was just grinding the hell out of him, and whenever Nico screamed(on purpose or just pleasure he sure he could only indulge with Will) the guy would cup Nico's mouth, and smirk or say something seductive, which often shut Nico up. 

he gripped the unnamed taller man's shoulders, thinking about trying to kneel him in the crotch again, but since it hadn't worked the first time he didn't have faith it would work this time. "W-Will!" Nico tried to screech, not caring if this made him a damsel in distress. He needed Will's rescue. pronto.  "Wi-"Nico was cut off by the man planting harsh kisses down his neck and into his collar bone. Nico tried his best not to groan..but of course his delicate body obeyed to the gesture, croaking out a groan as this stranger found his hidden sweet-spots that only Will was supposed to know. 

Nico thought he might cry. He was so freaking scared right then. that he cried. he sniffled trying not to be too loud in case the other notice his weakness, they didn't just kept going as Nico clung to his back, needing Will. 

All the events would blur together, happening too fast to apply to Nico's memory. 

Finally a pack of familiar looking teens-Will's group, and just when Nico thought luck was coming his way, the man grabbed Nico. Nico, being pulled into a small closet, being pressed to a wall all over again.


the guy finally let Nico after promising, 'yeah, you liked that too' Nico ran to where he really hoped Will was, ''Will!" Nico yelped, starting to cry, he probably looked a mess, and Will would ask questions, but it didn't matter, because Will's arms were around him right there. and right now. 

Will smiled down, and brushed some tears from Nico's eyes, ruffling Nico's all ready really disheveled hair. "my hero~.." Nico murmured dreamily. a few kids joining around to see the solangelo show that they were sure to get.
Will smiled none the less, picking Nico up, "my prince~" he purred back, and Nico smiled softly. he was rescued again, and no one could hurt him this time. 

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