if you just moved here how do you know where the Starbucks is??

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'Why are boys so hot?'

Nico wondered to himself, watching Will, his apparent neighbor, out of the corner of his eye. He had Blonde shaggy hair, that wasn't straight, nor was it curly, messy but perfect, thick and layered. He also had sky blue eyes that seemed as endless as the milky way, glittering with stars. And that crooked, sarcastic grin, that Nico loved to hate. And the freckles that at first glance seem at random, but when you stared at seemed to be like constellations, Ursa major, Orion's belt....

Nico realized he was doing it again staring into the big stupid...beautiful blue eyes of the boy sitting across from him. "mie scuse" (my apologizes). It accrued to Nico that Will-in fact, also seemed to be in a dream like daze, seemed lost in Nico's chocolate brown eyes.  Both flushed when they realized they were still staring to a count of 14 seconds later. 

"where did you move here from?" Will asked tilting his head, Nico wondered why that made him look hotter, it shouldn't be legal.

It seemed Will really cared about Nico, putting in the care, and having the patience for someone that didn't even speak the same langue. 

Nico looked at Will, concentrating his hardest, to understand his question, racking his brain to remember the words, "I-Italy?" Nico said unsure, worried, he'd misinterpreted his words

Will grins, pleased with Nico's new-found patience, 'oh fuck he can get hotter'  he thought, covering his face. "w-where are you from?" Nico asked carefully, 

"me? oh I've lived here pretty much my whole life, but I was born in Texas."

"Will" Will tried to laugh, he was just too cute

Will smiled wide, and sprang, hugging Nico, expecting him to return it. Instead, he shoves him away, what Will guessed was swore in Italian, he shouted, looking on the verge or tears, "Sar'a non farlo!" (Will! Don't do that!)

"N-Nico I-I don't"

"non farlo! Avrete solo farsi ale!" (Don't do that! you'll only get hurt!)

"Nico." Will reaches out, 

"partire! lasciare la mia casa! e non tornare mai se si sa cosa è meglio per te!" (leave! leave my house! and never come back if you know what's good for yourself!) Nico pointed to the door.

tears we're forming and Will's eyes, Nico pretended not to see them, 'we're better off a apart' Nico thought bitterly, Will looked back before putting a foot out, "partire" Nico said before melting into sobs. collapsing on the cold tile near the brown boxes that contained the broken boy's childhood in.

Nico was still sobbing when Hazel and Hades came home, that was a mistake on Nico's part.

"Nico? are you okay?" Hazel asked, getting on her knees, grabbing hold of Nico's wrists, to get his attention "Nico...what's the matter?"

Nico hiccuped, covered his eyes "Volere! Will è il problema! la sua non è colpa mia il ragazzo che il ragazzo che vive di fronte a noi che potrebbe essere innamorata di! e il problema è che lo amo, ma non posso sapere che! egli non può sapere che sono gay!" (Will! Will's the problem! its not my fault the boy that the boy that lives across from us I might be in love with! and the problem is I love him but he can't know that! he can't know I'm GAY!)

Nico breathed in and out heavily, that was another of his problems, whenever he got emotional or passionate about anything he would slip into Italian. In this case he was glad he was ranting in Italian, his little sister-and father, didn't need to know. 

"Nico, I'm really staring to worry about you...." Hades voice trailed off 

"come si sa nulla di come mi sento" (like you care how I feel) Nico muttered climbing the stairs to his new bedroom, newly organized by the neighbor boy and him together, finding on his desk, there was a long and crooked carrot, tied to it, was a note that read, "why are people so cruel? its like they don't carrot at all." Nico snorted. on the back said, "I grow a garden with all types of vegetables hope this made you smile, looked like you needed it" underneath it said, "text me?" followed by his number.

Nico's stomach turned, feeling as if his internal organs wanted to see the sun, he forced them down with a gulp 

with a shaky thumb, Nico dialed the number, Will?
Will: hey! you got my name right ;)
me: I can write and read English. geez
Will: oh, ah sorry guess I just assumed...
me: its fine most people do
Will: that doesn't make it okay
me: i know its just...just don't
Will: I'll drop it this time but you will tell me one of these days.
me: fine
Will: thank you. :)
Will: also..I can see you.
me: WHAT???
Will: look out your window, 

Nico got off his bed and walked over to his window, sure enough, across the street was Will, smiling, waving through his window. Nico felt his cheeks heat up shoving the curtains shut.

Will: Your cute when you blush.

This resulted in more of an escalation in his blush, now they were scarlet.

me: ...
Will: Aw, are you embarrassed ^^ you really don't realize how cute you are, do you?

Nico felt like his brain would short circuit, the words he was reading, simply did not compute

me: derp
Will: Lol, so, how old are you?
me: fourteen you?
Will: 15, I guess we're gonna be in school together huh?
me: oh yeah, school, great....
Will: ?
me: don't ask.
Will: but I wanna.
me: meet me at the Starbucks tomorrow at noon, I'l explain it all.
Will: I thought you just moved here???
message read

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