Chapter Twenty Six

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"Glad to hear it." I smiled. "Well I best get home and shower I stink of all sorts." I added.

"Hey wanna go out for dinner tonight?"

"Or I could cook?"

"Are you up for cooking after working all day?"

"Are you kidding? I'll take any opportunity I can to cook."

"Well alright then. I'll come by say around 7?"

"Sounds great. What would you like to eat? Any craving yet needing satisfied?"

"No, no cravings yet, but I do feel like something homely you know?" 

"Homely? Okay I can do homely." I nodded. "Anything you don't like?" 

"Nope, I'm not very fussy I'll eat most foods." 

"Great then let me see what I can come up with."

"Great see you tonight." Gen hugged me before I took my leave.

BAck home showered and dressed I headed into the kitchen, but just as I opened the fridge to have a look see what I had available my phone rang I answered as it was Gen.

"Hey, everything okay?"

"Yeah fine. So I was thinking about tonight. Only if you wanted to maybe we could make it a girls night invite Ali and Mac too." She said before quickly adding. "If you prefer it to be just us that's totally cool."

"No of course not a girls night sounds fun and I'm not working again until Monday so bring it on."

"Awesome I'll go tell the girls and we'll see you at 7pm."

"See you then." I replied before signing off. Okay I needed more supplies so I grabbed my keys and purse before heading out the door.  I knew exactly what I was going to make. 

On my way to the store my phone rang so I put it on loud speaker. 

"Hey you." It was Jensen.

"Hey." A pause. "Are you driving?" 

"Yeah I'm on my way to the store. I'm having the girls over for dinner tonight."

"Really? That's great. I'm glad you're spending time with the girls. How was your first day at work?" He asked.

Hey I uh can I call you back in five minutes? I really don't like talk while driving even if it is hands free." 

"Sure, no problem." He replied before we signed off. 

I took a left on North Street and went down to the far end before pulling up into walmart's parking lot. Killing the engine I grabbed my phone and called Jensen back.

"Hey sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it. So how was your first day?" He asked as I exit the car heading into the store as I told him all about my day.  

"Whoa people are crazy. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it by the end of the week though." he said. 

"I really hope so. I'm so scared of dong something wrong and causing your mom a contract."

"Hey listen I'm sure that won't be the case, but should that happen my mom would understand. She herself knows how insane those people can be. But as I say I'm sure you will do great. Just refer to your list and do your best."

"Thanks." I said feeling more relaxed talking to Jensen about it. "How is Comic Con so far?"

"Insane as always, but I love it. I've had many people come up to me asking about you and telling me they ship us." He told me. That made my heart flutter a little. I don't care what people think, but I mean it is nice to know Jensen's fans accept me, well some anyway. His fans mean a lot to him so it's mean a lot to me.

"Really? That's sweet." 

Shit babe I gotta go, I have a meet and greet coming in less than five minutes."

"Okay. Say hi to everyone and you can tell Jared Gen is fine."

"Will do. Chat later bye."

"Bye, have fun." We signed off.

I continued through the store picking up all the ingredients needed for my dish before heading to the counter.

"Hey you are that girl. the girl with Jensen" The cashier said.

"Uh yeah." I replied unsure what was about to happen next.

"Hi I'm Kaitlyn. Jensen's old school friend."

"Oh hey. It's nice to meet you." I flashed a friendly smile.

"You too. How is he doing?"

"Good thanks." I smiled. 

"Good. Well that'l be 27 dollars please." I handed 30 and told her to keep the change. "Aw thanks hunny. Enjoy your evening. Tell Jensen I said hey." 

"Thanks, I will do. Bye." I took my leave heading home to get started cooking.

Second Chances (A Jensen Ackles Romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant