4 months later

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Hey guys, I know this is kind of sudden but some of you have been asking me to wrap it up. . . so I will. I hope you like it!

"Neville Longbottom. Accepted at University of Aberdeen,applying to Heriot -Watt University." Headmistress McGonagall smiled at Neville as she handed him the diploma. Luna watched him, tears in her eyes. It had gone by so fast, the time when he had been hers. Now he was gone, or he would be gone. Forever.

Luna gripped Michael's hand tighter, he squeezed back reassuringly "It's okay." he whispered "I have a great feeling about you two." Luna smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Draco Malfoy. Harvard University." Draco proudly showed his diploma, smiling for the crowd, but Luna caught him looking back at Hermione and mouthing "together."

The list went on, Ginny cheered when they called Harry Potter, University of Bath (I laughed when I saw the logo, kinda looks like Hagrid :) and when they called her brother Ron. Luna didn't listen though, she clapped halfheartedly but she was caught in her thoughts.

The ceremony ended and they all walked out into the fields, Terry went to the dessert table that was set up, Michael followed, Ginny went to congratulate her brother and his friends. Luna looked at the ground and wondered what she was going to do. Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed her from behind and picked her up "Guess what." Luna thrashed around then turned to Neville's smiling face "What are you doing? We talked about this, Neville!" he was still smiling. Idiot. "You didn't notice? Hannah's gone." Luna tilted her head


"She left a few weeks ago for college. Said she didn't want a long distance relationship." What? Crazy girl. Leave behind Neville Longbottom?

"Luna, you okay?" Neville waved his hand in front of her face "You blanked out for a moment there." Luna shook her head 

"I'm okay! You were saying?" Neville fiddled with the tassel on his cap, then took it off and put i on her head.

"I was saying, if it takes three more years to get you, I will wait, Luna I'll always wait for you."

"I'm sorry, I-I don't understa-"

"You don't have to, just kiss me." He took her face in both hands and kissed her gently. He stared into her eyes, his forehead against hers, their noses just touching "Three years?"

"Thats a long time" she said and he answered

"Yeah, but you're worth it."


I'm such a loser. Anyways, I love you guys, and I'll be ending it in another chapter or two, so expect a truckload if fluff! I hope you liked it! Byeee!

Screensaver (a Nuna fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora