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"Here you go Luna." says George, pulling into her driveway. He ruffles her hair and smiles, Luna smiles back

"Thank you George!" Luna gets out of the car, just as she's about to close the door he says

"And Luna?" she holds onto the door and looks at him

"That Neville guy definitely likes you." She closes the door and George drives away.

Luna walks into her house and sees her father sitting at the little table in the kitchen, his face in his hands. When he sees her he stands up and hurries to hug her

"Luna, where have you been?" He pulls back and holds her shoulders

"Why didn't you answer your phone?!" Luna fishes her phone from her pocket slowly, no charge, it figures. . .

"That's it! No more going out for you Missy!" Luna looks up "But Dad-" He shakes his head

"No buts, up to your room Luna."

Defeated, Luna walks up the stairs, as she's climbing she hears her dad mutter"Oh Pandora!" She walks into her room and goes to her nightstand and plugs in her phone, it turns on and she goes to the bathroom. Luna changes then gets into bed to read. Then, he's phone buzzes, a message. She grabs the phone and sees and unknown number

Luna, my house has a fire pit, you thinking what I'm thinking? Luna smiles, of course she knows who it is, and yeah, she is thinking about s'mores. She types in a smiley face then deletes it and instead writes

Yeah, but I'm on house arrest. He writes back

What did Ginny do?

Not her, me she replies, and he says

Ginny has always been the troubled one, you're the good girl. She doesn't answer and he writes

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. - Neville Longbottom 2017 Luna smiles then writes

Good night Neville. and goes to sleep.

The next morning Luna walks downstairs and pours herself some cereal and sits at the little table. She looks up at her dad "I'm so sorry Daddy. . ." He sighs and pats her hair "I know, I just- I don't know what I would do without you Luna, I was really worried!" Luna nods and hugs him. "I love you." she mumbles and he squeezes her "Me too, Luna, me too."

When Luna is back up in her room, her phone rings and she answers

"Hey Ginny " she says

"LUNA!" she pulls the phone away from her ear then slowly puts it back

"Gin, what is it?" she braces herself for a storm

"Tomorrow we go back to school, what are you going to do about your 'boyfriend'?" Crap! She had completely forgotten!

"I don't know, any ideas? she hears Ginny moving something on the other end

"How bout you tell him and have him play along? Stupid idea, Ginny

"No, I'll tell him something else."

"Okay. . . Good luck!" with that she hung up.

What was Luna going to do? Luna grabbed her Laptop and emailed Michael:

Michael! Big problem. I told Cho Chang that I had a boyfriend and showed her a picture of Neville, now he's moved her and going to the same school! What do I do?!

Within ten minutes he answered:

Luna, baby, calm down. I convinced my mother to let me transfer there, since they sent me to live with my aunt for being a "bad boy, Michael" I'll help you figure it out. Hang in there babe. What if she told Cho they had broken up? No, more people thought they were dating, news couldn't possibly go that fast, what about? No, Michael, please come up with something good!

Hello, Hello, I'm sorry for the late update, school has been Hell, in the words of Charlie Kelmeckis:

Highschool? Bullshit.

Anyways, If I can I'll update today again, pace out

I love you!

Screensaver (a Nuna fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ