Michael saves the day

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Luna walks into the school tugging on the straps of her backpack. Neville will be here she  thinks, then But Michael will too. . . Torn between these two thought she walks into the school, on the way to her locker she runs into a crying Hermione who looks up at her and says 

"What? What are you staring at Looney?" then she softens 

"Im sorry Luna, I just- Draco is being difficult." Luna puts her arm around Hermione 

"Do tell." She smiles a little. 

"I wanted him to meet my parents but he says he isn't ready for that, so we broke up." Luna raises an eyebrow 

"You broke up? Hermione sobs 

"Yeah, over that little argument. Can you believe it?!"

Luna thinks for a moment then looks up again 

"Why are you crying? Whats wrong?" Hermione looks annoyed "I told you Draco-" Luna raises her hand 

"No Hermione, why is this important? Do you think Draco and you are in love? Is that why you're crying?" Hermione looks up perplexed "What?" Luna parts her back 

"You used to hate him, correct?" 

"Yeah. . ." Luna picks some lint off her sweater

"Look at it this way, If you hated him for so many years, then you loved him, its gotta be something special. You're not going to find another Draco Malfoy in Cambridge."

"But I'm going to Harvard-" Luna shakes her head

"Thats aside from the point. You can look anywhere you want, but you won't find someone who was willing to change himself, create his new personality, a good personality, so that he could hold your hand." Hermione looks up, tears staining her cheeks

"I need to go now Luna. . ." Luna smiles as she watches Hermione running down the halls to Draco and then kissing him.

"Quite a reunion, dont'cha think?" Luna jumps as Neville comes out from behind a locker

"Really inspiring words Luna." he sits next to  her and laces his fingers through hers then turns his head to look at her

"Nobody has offered to show me around, would you be willing?" Luna's heart beats fast and loud, can he hear it? She can. 

"Um. . . yeah, lets go." He smiles. Ooh Goodness gracious.

She walks him around and shows him a few classes before Cho shows up. Bloody Hell! Things were going well!

"Hi Luna." She turn to Neville "Omigod, Omigod, Luna! Is this him?! Is this Neville?" To Luna's surprise Neville sticks out his had "Neville Longbottom, I'm Luna's guy." Luna's guy? What? Cho leaves and Luna starts to ask about what Neville said 


"I need to go!" He nods and heads in the opposite direction. Luna runs to her first period. Upon entering the classroom she sees Michael looking suspiciously innocent next to a very smug Ginny. She goes and sits next to Michael who beams at her "Well?" 

"Well, what? he rolls his eyes

"Longbottom! I talked to him yesterday," upon seeing the look on her face he says "No worries didn't tell him what you did, I just told him how to act because I was looking to prank you." Luna throws her arms around him

"I love you so, so much!" how expression changes to one of fake annoyance

"If you love me why am I not your pretend boyfriend?" he hugs her back then pulls away

"Hey, that gives me an idea. Oh no. . .

Hi guys, sup? I got some notifications today and I was like oh. . . right.

Just to let y'all know, I'm holding a competition, if you have any Nuna or Dramione fan art or videos leave the link in the comments and I'll put it in my next chapter, I'll choose a few so comment as many as you'd like.

Love ya <3

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