girls night

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"Hey Luna, Marietta is coming over after school. You want  in?" Luna smiled at Cho. If she went Cho would surely ask about her so called "boyfriend", if she didn't  she could think up some story of how she a mere sophomore had managed to get a senior to notice her. "Sorry Cho, Ginny and I have plans." She smiled "Maybe next week."

Luna skipped off and found Ginny "Hello Ginny, you wanna come over to my place today?" Ginny beamed "Yeah. We can prank call Neville!" Luna's smile faltered and Ginny laughed "Kidding. . . Or am I?" Luna smiled nervously, then she parted ways with Ginny and headed to math.

Time skip

Luna walked in through the fence in front of her house, Ginny trailing behind her. She took the steps to the front door two at a time and burst in calling out "Daddy! I've arrived with my friend Ginevra Weasley!" a voice called back "In my study darling, I'm working on an article my editors will not be able to resist! Nessie: Revealed!" Luna smiled then pulled Ginny up the steps to her room. She pointed at the ceiling "Look Ginny, thats you!" Ginny looked up, Luna had painted her on and in golden ink, right underneath she had written the word friends.

Ginny smiled the widest Luna had ever seen. "Oh Luna, I love you so much!" She hugged Luna, and in that moment she was sure. She had never been happier.

Ginny collapsed on her bed "Luna, can you pass me my phone, and yours too? Luna reached for their bags "Okay. . ." She handed Ginny the phones. She turned Luna's on first "I see you haven't changed your screensaver." she smiled at Luna evily . Luna reached for her phone but was too slow "I just never had the chance." Ginny nodded not looking convinced at all "Okay Luna."

She grabbed her own cellphone and did something hidden from Luna. The phone started ringing. Luna shrieked "Who did you call?!" Ginny laughed "Nobody special, just prince Charming." She put the phone on speaker and set it on the bed



Ginny laughed "Hi Nev, Ive got someone here who wants to say hi." She looked up at Luna expectantly. Luna frantically shook her head. Ginny shoves her playfully "Hello, you still there?" Luna widens her eyes and glares at Ginny who says nothing. "Hi Neville"  "Luna?  Hi Puddin  you get it? Cause you love pudding?" Luna's eyes widen and Ginny raises her eyebrows "Um, girls, I've got to go, my grandma needs me to run some errands so I'm driving into town right now and I need to hang up." The line went dead and Ginny started laughing and Luna couldn't help laughing too. "He so likes you!" Luna stopped laughing "What makes you say that? No way he likes me!" Ginny nodded frantically "You're so blind. One day he will come here to your house and declare his undying love for you and when he does I will be here!" Luna stares at her for like an eternity (she's not sure how long, she didn't count) then she says "You're insane." Ginny smirks "I know."

Ginny stayed late and they talked, they talked about how Luna's dad was writing articles for The Quibbler about Bigfoot and the Loch ness monster, they talked about how Ginny's older brothers had set one of their Teacher's hair on fire, but most of all, they talked about Neville and how he may or may not like Luna.

Screensaver (a Nuna fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें