Best friend

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School was canceled for the whole week. It would be raining all week, no going outside, really it would be depressing.At least she had Michael to keep her company. Luna was sitting on the floor while Michael braided her hair when the doorbell rang. Luna got up to open it an in stepped Terry Boot "Hey Girl!" he said quickly kissing Luna's check, he walked past her "Where's my Michael?!" Luna pointed to the couch, Terry ran to "Michael "Baby!!!!!!" Michael beamed

"Darliiiing!!" Terry paused "Where'd you get the flower crown?" Michael smiled and didn't answer. Terry turned to Luna, looking genuinely upset "Where'd he get the flower crown?" Luna shrugged, giggling at the same time "No idea, Terry." He looked back at Michael and stomped "I want a flower crown!" Then he held up his hands "You know what? No! Michael, do my hair. Do those little braids that stick up all over the place." He sat down in front of the couch and Michael started braiding  tiny braids into his hair. Luna watched Michael carefully, he smiled and laughed at jokes Terry made, but just underneath Luna detected. . . pain, nothing but pain.

Later that night, when they were going to bed, Luna went to Michael's room with some pjs for him. She helped him out of the shirt he was wearing. It broke her heart to see all the scars scattered on his chest. He looked down at his chest as if just noticing the scars "Luna, you could just ask."

"Ask what?" she said looking back up at him. Michael smiled up at her and said

"About my parents. . . me getting kicked out. . ." It had been lurking in the back of her mind, so she nodded.

"I had. . . this girl," His eyes filled with sadness and Luna took his hand "I really, really liked her Luna, but my parents did not. Well" he sighed "In the end my Dad had this idea to send me to my aunt's place, so I could, you know. . . forget the girl" 

Luna listened intently and squeezed his hand "The thing is, they come to see me everyday you were not there, my father was harder on me, he doesn't want me back just yet, and my Mom. . . she begged him to let me come home." Tears were spilling from his eyes now 

"What about your aunt? Why couldn't she take you?" Michael smiled

"My aunt's a sweet lady, she would've, but she had a divorce last year and my Dad is an inconsiderate arse." Luna sighed

"Michael, you are always welcome to heal here. " Michael sobbed

"I love you, Luna, you're my best friend." He pulled her into a hug, then winced "Im sorry I- My chest is. . ." Luna nodded and kissed his cheek

"I love you, too." She pulled the  shirt onto his arms and buttoned it. Terry walked in 

"Well, It appears Boots will be joining the slumber party, roads are all blocked!" He looked at Michael "Why is Dowa so sad?" Michael laughed

"She's not, it's just, Dora doesn't plan murders out loud."  Terry backed away, then ran out of the room. Luna laughed and got up 

"My Dad's going to help you with the rest, you okay with that?" Michael nodded as she walked out, he caught her hand 

"Luna?" she turned "Let Neville know that if he hurts you, I'll run him over with my wheelchair, my motorcycle is its the repair shop. Okay?" Luna nodded.

Neville would never hurt her, that she knew. 

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