Without you

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"I Miss you, I love you, I need you" Luna smiled into the phone 

"You're a hopeless romantic, you know that?" He laughed

"I save the cheesiest lines for my girl." Luna's heart skipped a beat. His girl!

Luna kept on talking to him over the rain and thunder outside, now the conversation was dying down. "Soo," he said "I know you don't want to, but Luna, lets talk about the future." Luna frowned, the future? "I. . . I don't understand, Neville, what future?" Neville sighed, he sounded angry "Luna, you know, I'm graduating this year. Then, what?"

"Then what?" Luna echoed "Then it's over, is that what you're saying?"

"N- Crap, Luna, we can't have a simple conversation without it turning sour?!" 

"FINE THEN, TELL ME WHAT YOU HAD IN MIND!" she hadn't meant to sound so angry, but he was being irrational, he had  brought up the topic. Also, Neville was smart, he could probably get into a school over seas, no way she would be the one holding him back. "Neville-"


Luna stared at the phone's screen, shocked. She got up from her bed and picked up a pillow. She curled into the comfy chair in the corner of her room and cried. If they fought this much, maybe she and Neville were just not meant to be. She sobbed more, that boy was the best thing that had ever happened to her, he really was!

Luna had no way of telling how long it had been since she started crying. Suddenly, everything was pitch black "Hold on." a voice said, her dad's, she thought. "Short circuit, there are candles and matches in each room." Luna didn't bother, who cared if there were no lights? It made everything all the more depressing. All together, the lack of light, the rain and thunder outside, it all summed up how she felt. She hurried her face in her knees again even though the tears had dried.

She felt a hand on her shoulder "Hey, sweetie." Luna looked up at Michael, who had a soft smile on his face, he reached forward and pushed the hair from Luna's face "It's okay, Terry and I are here, now. We'll take care of you." Terry was behind him, holding a lantern and some pudding cups. Terry sat on the floor and Michael stayed in his wheelchair "What's wrong?" Terry asked.

Luna shrugged "He talks about the future as if we were running out of time." Terry shook his head

"That arse." Michael wheeled forward a little "Luna, do you love the guy?" Luna nodded

"Then maybe  you should try talking to him. . ." Luna contemplated the idea, Michael's words  had some truth to them, "And if not" He clapped "There is nothing I do better than revenge."

Luna laughed, nobody could cheer her up like Michael. "Michael! Idiot, we're supposed to make her feel better, " Terry said slapping Michael's arm "curse the dude!" He held up a pudding cup "Here, sweetie, it helps me every time." He smiled at Luna then frowned at Michael. "You got anything to say for yourself?"

"In the wise words of Taylor Swift: Relationships are like traffic lights. And I just have this theory that people can only exist in a relationship if the light is green." Michael smirked.

"Swish, Swish, bish!" Terry said. Luna laughed at Michael's reaction: he scoffed and turned away

"Luna, only you can decide." They got up and left the room arguing. Luna smiled and reached for her phone, she called Neville, he didn't answer. Oh God, what had she done?! she left a message:

Neville, I love you. And I don't care if you go to college here in England or  in America. All that matters is that I will be cheering you on. I will stay with you through it all.

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