Neville part 1

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Luna was staring at the fire cursing Michael for leaving. "Hi" she turns to Neville smiling shyly "Hi yourself" wait, Luna that sounded rude! Try again! "Hello Neville. How are you?" He smiles then looks back at the fire "Good,um. . . you wannnna go get a s'mores kit with me?" Luna nods and they begin to walk towards the picnic table with the paper bags containing chocolate and graham crackers. Luna reaches for one and Neville grabs the one behind it.

They walk back to the fire pit and start roasting marshmallows, Neville turns to Luna "Hey. . . how come we never talk?" Luna shrugs "No idea. We're not friends?" she says it like a question and then feels nervous. He laughs "Of course we are Lovegood!" He takes his marshmallow away from the fire them makes his s'more "Here can you hold this?. . . No not like that, Luna, LUNA!"

Neville is standing there with chocolate and graham crackers crumbs all over his face. He looks at his shirt then slowly raises his gaze to Luna "WHYYYYYY????" he yells sinking to his knees. Luna tries to hide it but she bursts out laughing "Neville, I. . . I need a picture, okay?" She takes her phone and is about to takes the picture when Neville calls out "Hey Ginny!" she's sitting by the fire gazing at Harry "GINEVRA!!!" Neville yells, she turns to him "What?!" He smiles "Can you take the picture please?" Luna looks to Ginny confused as she takes Luna's phone.

She's caught by surprise when someone grabs her by the arm and spins her towards them. Neville puts his check against hers and even though she's laughing she's pretty sure the whole camp can hear her heartbeat. Neville takes the phone from Ginny and bursts out laughing. "That's a keeper!" (see what I did there?) Luna snatches the phone away from him.

Ginny is rolling on the ground laughing. "Oh my God Nev! What is wrong with you?!" Luna began to blush. Terry came running and grabbed her "Hey Lun- what happened to your face?" Luna started whipping chocolate off her face "Ask him" she pointed to Neville. "Longbottom?!" she nodded smiling. He gaped at her "I'm caught in the middle of a romance movie." Luna jumped up and covered his mouth "It is not! I don't like him anymore!" Terry snorted "Sure. The day you stop liking Neville is the day I will stop loving pudding." Luna shook her head and headed to her cabin then changed into her owl pjs.

Luna was heading to bed when she heard crying, she followed the sound she looked under every stall and then saw some polished black shoes and knee length socks hanging over a toilet in one of the stalls. Only one person wore that type of clothes in summer. She steps forward slowly "Myrtle?" No answer, more sobbing. Gently she begins to push the already open stall door. There Myrtle is sitting. "Wh- Why are you crying?" Luna asks Myrtle looks up angrily. Luna takes a step back. "LIKE YOU CARE LOONY!" Her face softens "I will tell you one thing. . . friends, or fake friends can be mean. Never trust them." With that she walked out of the bathroom whipping her eyes. Luna looked at her as she left. Myrtle cried a lot, maybe it was nothing.

Then again, Myrtle was known to enjoy being sad (if that was even possible) Luna had tried many times to change that, but alas, Michael always managed to do something stupid that made Myrtle run back to her "fake" friends. Well, all Luna could do right now anyways was to think of s'mores, gooey, delicious s'mores, oh, and Neville, especially Neville.

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