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Monday morning, Michael showed up in a leather jacket and jeans. He had a red rose with him. In the hallway he gave it to Luna and pecked her cheek"Hey babe!" Out of the corner of her eye Luna saw Neville looking at her with terrible hurt in his eyes. It hurt her to see Neville like this, she didn't care if he did look jealous, he was too good to be treated that way.

After her first class Luna walked to her locker. To her surprise, Neville was there, waiting for her it seemed. "You're dating Michael Corner?" Luna blushed

"I am."  Neville sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He was blushing horribly.

"I-I'm , um. . .-

"Yeah?. . ." Could he be confessing? She had waited for this so long

"Nothing." Neville said, he scratched ruffled his hair then turned to leave, he looked back at her and she could see him processing everything in his head. He looked. . . so sad. 

"Neville? she called and he turned around

"Yeah?" Luna She walked over to him and hugged him, he froze. She began to feel nervous and let go, but just then he put his arms around her and squeezed. Butterflies were going crazy in her stomach. They pulled back and he stared at her for a moment, she stared back at him. What was he thinking? Who could know?  His eyes flickered down and she was sure she would have passed out if not for the appearance of Ginny

"Hey, Luna-" she stopped "Am I interrupting?" Neville pulled away and shook his head frantically then left in a hurry. Ginny watched him leave then turned to Luna, a smirk on her face. "Cliché much?" Luna laughed

"I know, he was so nervous!" Ginny cackled

"Luna he was going to kiss you! Luna's heart skipped a beat

"Maybe. . ."

During their lunch period Luna and Michael cuddled and did regular couple stuff (except kiss, ew) Every time Luna, Terry and Ginny did the same. Luna got up to go to the bathroom and she saw Neville and Harry sitting in one table glaring at Michael and Terry's backs.

She did her best to ignore them as she walked to the ladies' room. Harry was talking very loud though, he also looked very, very pissed. Luna went ito the bathroom.

When she came out, Neville and Harry where in their same positions. She lingered at the bathroom door to watch a little. Suddenly, Harry stood up; he bounded across the room to their table and began talking to Ginny. Luna's eyes were on Terry who was smirking, and sitting back, watching Harry and Ginny. Luna watched as Ginny got up and left the cafeteria with Harry.

She was happy for Ginny, she really was. Yet, she felt horrible for herself, for herself and Neville Longbottom. She looked over at her table where Michael and Terry sat eating pudding, completely oblivious to her problem, then she glanced at another table where Neville sat alone, picking at his food. 

Luna made up her mind and went to sit with Neville. He looked at her and his eyes lit up

"Hey." Luna watched him struggle to find any words

"Luna, I-" she stopped him

"I know Neville, I understand about Ginny and Harry and problems. I'm your friend, I can help you with anything." Neville looked down again and sighed

"Friends." Luna was about to say something, then he kept talking

"See, Luna, I don't like that word! At least, not when it comes to you!" Luna sat straighter and nodded

"Keep going Neville." He shook his head

"Thats all I have to say, theres Michael, and then theres me. . . Luna look at him!" Luna did just that. She looked at Michael laughing at something Terry had said, how she loved him, but it wasn't romantic love. 

"Now look at me." Again, Luna did as he said, she looked at Neville Longbottom and she saw all the good things the world had to offer, every single thing she could want. 

"You see the difference?" She did. While Michael was rays of sun on a sunny, happy day, Neville was the flickering light in your room that offers comfort when it was raining out. She loved both, but only one was essential to surviving the storm that were her emotions.

"Bye, Luna." Neville got up and left the cafeteria. Luna felt heartbroken. Michael wasn't even an option for her, it was all fake. All she cared about was Neville Longbottom. If only he knew that.

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