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Luna scrapped at the bottom of her pudding cup and said "As long as you guys are doing favors. . ." Michael perked up"What?" Terry looked up from Luna's duvet

"Does it involve me? Luna smiled and nodded apologetically. 

"Um. . . it's about my  friend Ginny. . ." Michael laughed 

"I love Ginny!" Terry looked suspicious

"What do I have to do? Luna stood up and went to sit next to Terry on her bed

"Well, she has this crush. . . on this guy. . ."

"Oh, I get it! You want me to do what you're doing with Michael!" Terry laughed and Luna beamed

"Yeah! Will you do it?"

His smile disappeared "No." Luna frowned and leaned closer to him and hugged him

"Come on Terry, why not?" Michael looked up and spoke through a mouthful of pudding

"Bimumu mi mum like her" Luna's eyes widened and she looked at Terry

"You used to like Ginny? Oh, and Michael, clean your mouth, you've got  pudding all over everywhere!" Michael wiped at his mouth with a Kleenex and said

"Do it Terry, you were able to convince me to kiss Luna. . ." realizing his mistake Michael clumped his mouth shut. Luna looked him over

"Really?" He nodded.

"I went through this whole Big Foot obsession phase and it was all our twelve year old self's fault!" Luna laughed

"I love you too Michael." Suddenly, Terry yelled

"FINE!" Michael, who had currently been opening his fourth pudding cup, spilled it on himself and looked up in shock

Terry! Look what you just made me do!" Terry ignored him and said to Luna

"But, who's the guy? Let it not be Draco Malfoy, please!"

Luna chuckled "Harry Potter."

"Okay." Terry said

"But we go later." Luna shook his hand

"LUNAAAAAAA!" They both looked down at Michael who was in a fetal position on the floor with his are sticking up. Terry went back to studying the Loch ness monster duvet, Luna did the same

"LUNAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Luna turned to him again

"What is it Michael?!" Michael smiled a tiny smile, like he was going todo something stupid

"What's your favorite color?. . ." Luna laughed a little

"Yellow" She looked back at Terry



"Are you going to ask me my favorite color?" Michael said in a tiny voice

"Okay. What is it?"

"Red." Terry looked up

"I called it!"

-Time skip-

"I'm nervous."  Luna straightened his shirt which was wrinkled

"Just explain everything to her, she'll agree." Michael looked up from yet another pudding cup

"Yeah, everything has changed, you don't like her anymore."Terry gulped and knocked on the door while Luna and Michael ran for a place to hide. Luna hid behind the Weasleys' shed. Michael on the other hand ran around frantically, the idiot eventually dove headfirst into a bush.

Terry wasn't in the house long, when he came out again and Luna asked him how it went he was pretty good natured about it. She wrapped her arms around d him "Thank you so much, Terry!"

"HEEEELP MEEE!" they turned to see poor Michael tangled in the bush. Terry burst out laughing 

"Idiot-" he wheezed "Moron!" he kept on laughing. Michael just stared blankly vat him; he turned to Luna

"Help, babe?" Luna walked over to him and started trying to untangle him, it was no use

"I need some scissors, or something." Michael pointed to Terry's car, which she and Terry had come in"My backpack is in there, I have a swiss army knife." Luna walked over and grabbed the backpack, she took it over to them and had Terry hold it while she cut Michael free. She put he knife back in the backpack "Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!" Terry said, putting the backpack in front of his face "Delicious!" Michael groaned and got on his motorcycle

"See you tomorrow Luna!" He looked at Terry "Why you gotta be so mean?" Then he mumbled 

"Prat!" and left. All in all, Monday would be very interesting.

Hi guys,

If you're still here, thank you, if not, well, there'll  be teardrops on my guitar, I'm kidding (I don't own a guitar). Anyways, stay awesome.

Love ya <3

The remix is from the channel kblurv4eva, theres some pretty cool videos there so be sure to check em out

Okay, now I'm done

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