Never again

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She pulled away "Michael, what are you?-" he held his index to his lips 

"sshh, I'm sorry Luna, I'll explain everything." he hugged but she didn't hug back, she was too stunned "Michael, I. . ." he squeezed her then looked around and darted away, pulling her with him.

When they stopped she tore her arm away "Why did you kiss me, Michael?" Tears threatened to spill, he was her best friend. Suddenly, she was angry, how dare he?! "Michael, you pig! You are such a prick!" He held his hands up and whispered to her"shh, Luna-"

"NO! Michael!" she pushed him away "You insolent, little-" he looked about to cry

"LUNA!" he yelled, then he grabbed her shoulders

"Neville likes you." what? No way.

"But. . .he's a bloody coward." Luna shook her head

"Explain yourself, Michael." he sighed

"It's obvious, Luna, he adores you, but he won't admit it. Soo. . . Terry and I figured-"

"Terry?" said Luna

"Yeah, Terry, now shut up, we figured we could make him jealous. You know, before things get all picture to burn."

"STOP quoting Taylor Swift!" Terry said coming in through a window. What the?

"She's a goddess and I love her!" Michael answered jumping up and down. Luna stared at them wide eyed eyed

"You guys planned this?" Terry smiled and went to stand next to Michael

"Dora" he motioned to Michael "and Boots, at your service." Michael, who had been smilling too stopped and turned to Terry

"Why am I the chick?" Terry gave Luna a look like this idiot

"Because" Terry answered. Michael didn't give up

"Why can't I be like. . . what's his name? Diego!" Terry groaned

"Because, I'm Terry Boot, like the ape thing in Dora, I can't be the fricking leopard baby from Go Diego Go!" Michael was about to say something then he closed his mouth again. Terry smirked, then turned to Luna. "Hey ,love, how are you?" Luna smiled and hugged him

"You guys are the best friends ever!" Michael groaned

"My idea too, and what do I get?"  he made his voice really low "Michael you piiiig!" Luna pulled him into the hug and kissed both their cheeks

"You could have told me, though." Michael shrugged and they laughed 

"Idiot" Luna looked at him and asked 

"No more kissing?" He gagged 

"Ew. Never again!"

I know what you're thinking, that loca left us on a terrible, horrible cliffhanger! No worries, here is Michael's explanation. I forgive him(because he's too dam adorable) you also get a good dose of Terry/Michael bromance, so, Happy Birthday!

Now, I'm not one of those authors on Wattpad who's just like "I only write, I don't care about reading other peoples' stories!" I've seen a few of you have Nuna stories, so naturally I've read some. Keep up the good work guys! Also, remember to comment fan arts or videos.

Love ya

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