Don't go

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It had been a whole day soince Luna had sent that stupid voice mail. What if he really wanted to break up? What was his deal. Yeah, it had only been a day but Luna was getting more and more desperate.Every time she heard a phone ring she would jump up. Every time she would sit back down, her heart aching more than before.

Finally, that night as Luna was getting ready for bed, her phone rang. Franticly, she searched around her room, but the rain was just so loud! She lifted up pillows and opened drawers. At last, she found it, on top of her dresser. She answered:

"Hi, you"

"Hi, you right back!" He sounded cheerful but tired, like he had just won a marathon but was too tired to celebrate. "I got your message."

"And?. . ." Why was he holding back? Couldn't he just say what he felt?

"I applied to St. Andrews." Every ounce of hope drained from her. He had applied to college. . . in Scotland. She wanted to yell at him for making her believe he cared

"That's great news, Neville! It's a very good school." She heard him sigh

"Luna, I don't care where I end up, as long as you'll be waiting for me." Okay, how was it that just one sentence from Neville could make any anger evaporate so quickly?

"Neville, you should care."

"But, Luna-" she was done holding him back

"Shut up! if you keep talking, I'll just fall harder for you and I won't say what I need to say!" 

"Okay. What do you need to say?"

"I love you, but you need to focus on college. It's more important."

"Luna, I" She hung up.

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