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Luna's heart shattered. Neville had just walked away. She stayed staring at the spot where he had been and was only brought back to the present when Michael sat down next to her

"What's wrong, Luna?" she stared blankly at the door

"He just- Michael, he just left!" Michael wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to comfort her. Abruptly, she shook him off

"Didn't you hear? He left! He's gone! He doesn't care anymore. He can't see, stop pretending to love me!" Michael sighed and sat down directly in front of her 

"Luna, I love you. I love you so much. Not because I had a crush on you once, but because you and Terry are my best friends, nothing can get in the way of that." He hugged her again and this time she relaxed. Then she began to cry

"I'm sorry-" she wiped at her cheeks "I just really like him!" Michael looked at her

"Well, have I ever let you down?" He wiped her tears and held her face.

"No. . ." Luna said. At the moment that was the only thing she was certain of.

"I have a plan Luna. A brilliant plan. But first, a toast!" He handed her a pudding cup and opened one himself

"To Nuna!" he held up the pudding

"To what?!" He grinned

"You'll see."

A few minutes later, Luna climbed onto the back of Michael's motorcycle, it was crazy her dad let her, but then again, it was Michael they were talking about. Once they got to her house, Michael took her phone and started typing on it. She reached for it but he pulled away, fully concentrated on what he was doing. "There." he handed her the phone, the screen displayed a chat with Neville:

There was the picture of her from last summer, with all the chocolate on her face, the caption read Remember this? Luna smiled. A message came in

Sure do. Hey, my new house has a fireplace, remember? Would Michael be okay with you coming over?

Michael, who was reading over her shoulder said "As long as I get a s'more when you come back." She texted Neville: Yeah.

Michael jumped up and ran into her closet, he came back out carrying Luna's purple sun dress "Put it on." he then proceeded to look around

"Luna, earrings." Luna reached into a drawer and took out her radish earrings (the only ones she had), then she went into her closet to put on the dress. When she came back out Michael beamed"Come on. I'll drive you."

Luna took off the helmet and fixed her hair, she wrapped her arms around Michael and kissed his cheek then whispered "I love you so much Michael." Michael smiled

"I love you too. Now, go!" Luna walked slowly to the steps of the house. It looked a lot more intimidating in person than in the pictures Ginny had shown her. She looked back at Michael who gave her a thumbs up, peering at her through his helmet. "You got this, Luna!" he called, then rode away.

Luna raised her fist, slowly gathering the courage to knock. When she finally did,, she did i fast. An old woman opened the door. She looked Luna over, frowning "You are a. . . friend, of Neville's?" Luna pulled at her sleeve

"Y-yes ma'am." She opened the door and motioned for Luna to go inside. She stepped in cautiously and walked over to a couch next to the oh so famous fireplace. Suddenly, a toad jumped on her lap. Luna yelped "Trevor, no!" Neville was going down the stairs really fast. He reached her and picked up the toad.

"I'm so sorry, Luna" He set it down and sat next to her. His hair was wet and slicked back, like he had just taken a shower. Luna breathed in, by god, he smelled amazing! He smiled at her an held up a bag of marshmallows "We gonna do this or what?" He got up and started a fire. When he sat back down he looked at her for a moment then said

"You look so pretty, Luna." Butterflies, and blushing. She smiled at him

"Thank you, Neville!" He grabbed a skewer and handed it to her, along with a marshmallow, some chocolate and graham crackers. 

They began making s'mores, chatting about school and friend, and everything. Suddenly, Luna found herself staring right into Neville's eyes. Her heart beat faster than ever. He began to lean forward. She leaned forward too. When suddenly -


Luna chuckled a little, still staring into Neville's eyes "I'd better answer that." He noted

"Yeah." but neither of them moved. The phone continued to ring, finally Luna grabbed it. Why would Terry be calling her right now? Stupid Terry! She answered, ready to scold him about calling her, ready to ask if Michael hadn't told him the good news-

"Luna, come quick! Michael's been in an accident!" 

Okay, now I'm sad. It will get better though, prepare yourself for some major Nuna fluff in the next chapter.

Love ya

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