Don't leave me

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Luna's eyes filled with tears, she turned to Neville "Ive got to go. .  ." Neville stood up

"What is it?!" so she told him. He paced a little"Of course. . . your boyfriend." Luna felt a jolt

"Neville, its not like that, its- he was in an accident, but I'll make time for you!" she put her hands on his shoulder but he jerked away

"No, Luna! I don't know why I thought I had a chance with you!  I really don't! Maybe. . . maybe I'm still trying to get over Hannah, but Luna, I don't know what I was thinking. Im sorry." Luna shook her head, tears spilling out of her eyes "No Neville, I-its fake. Its all fake. We pretended, because. . . because-" she wanted to tell him, she really did. The words just didn't come out. Michael was waiting though "I love you Neville Longbottom!" Neville looked like he was about to melt "I love you too." They stared at each other a moment, then Neville called out

"Gran, Im going to the hospital with Luna." They rushed to the hospital in Neville's car, Luna's heart beating the whole time. She felt so happy for Neville, he actually felt the same! Yet, she was in a car on her way to the hospital to see her best friend in the world.

When they got to the hospital they found Ginny and Terry in the waiting room, along with a bunch of people from school, and Michael's parents. Terry was sitting in as chair, his hands clenched infront of his face. Luna went to sit with him. Terry looked up, his eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears, he was also shaking. Luna cried next to him. Terry pulled her close to him and she cried into his shoulder. A few seats away was Ginny, her face buried into Harry's jumper.

A nurse came into the waiting room. Everyone stood up "Family only." she said as Michael's parents scurried in. Terry began to make his way towards the door when the nurse stopped him "Are you family?" Terry looked sadder than ever

"Well, no, but-"

"You can't go in." From one moment to the next, Luna stood up and got real close to the nurse as Terry spoke in a deadly voice "Listen, Lady, thats my best friend in there. Everyone out here is a friend of Michael Corner's! Now, those people you just let in have never done a damn thing  for my best friend. " Luna had never heard Terry swear, or cry this much, she watched in awe as he stood up taller and said "Let. Us. In"

The nurse backed away a little and grabbed the doorknob behind her. She opened the door and they all began to pile in. Neville grabbed Luna's hand "Luna, I think I'm gonna go home." Luna shook her head"Don't leave me. . . please." Neville's eyes softened, pulled her towards him and kissed her forehead "I will never, ever leave you." he hugged her tight. They made their way to Michael's room hand in hand.

They reached the room and stood outside as Terry spoke to a blonde man in a surgeon uniform.

"Are you sure he's okay Dr. Solace?" The man nodded "He just needs to stay here a few days and rest."

They all walked into the room and huddled around the bed, Michael's eyes were closed, for a moment Luna was afraid, she pulled Neville closer. Then, to everybody's relief, Michael's eyelids fluttered open. The first people he looked at were Luna and Neville "Oh. . . It happened?  Yay!" Then he closed his eyes again. Terry looked ready to cry, he put his hand on the side of the bed and slowly, very slowly, Michael reached for it. "I'm right here, mate, I'm okay." Terry laughed through his tears and said "Michael?"


"Don't leave me."

"I won't leave you Terry. Ever. Im going to annoy you for a long, long time."

Oh geez, I cried when writing this. Thank you guys who are still hanging around. You are so awesome, I love you so much, you help me in my darkest hours. I love it when you guys comment, it really puts an instant smile to my face, so, thank you all. You are such a blessing. To those who are reading now, and to those who may read in the future:

Love yourself, because, even if she doesn't know you, in Guatemala, there is a girl who loves you. 

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