The story of us

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A week had passed since Luna had broken up with Neville. School was back in session but Neville had not talked to her. Michael was one grade above her and Terry was home schooling himself. Right now, she only had Ginny.

"Do you want me to beat the crap out of Neville for making you sad?" Luna shook her head

"I broke up with him." Ginny nodded.

"Why?" So Luna told her. "You're smart Luna, next year he'll be in college and then what will you do? Although, you can try and make it work. Harry and I are."

"Yeah, but Neville doesn't show it a lot but he's extremely complicated." Ginny shook her head, looking extremely disapointed.

"Complicated and Impossible are not synonyms, especially when it comes to someone you love." Luna thought for a second.

"He's got to be so mad at me."

"Okay, Michael isn't here so its my responsibility to make the Taylor Swift  joke: Luna, yore my best friend and one day I'll have a daughter named after you'"

"How is that Taylor-"

"Ch,ch,ch, let me finish. You will always be a part of my life, so will Neville. One day, you two are going to tell my daughter "The story of you", which version will it be? A tragedy where the silence is way too friction loud, or an epic tale where sparks fly?" luna nodded

"I see your point. But, Ginny, I can't just go up to him and be like, Hello! I love you."

"Sure you can"

"No, I can't."

"Yes, you can."


So, Luna began walking towards the court where the seniors usually hung out during lunch. She spotted Neville, about 30 feet away, talking and laughing with some other seniors. An annoying little bit of hope fluttered in her chest. She took one step, okay, here we go. Two steps, it will be worth it. Three steps, almost there. She was about to keep on going when another senior, a girl, walked up to Neville, handed him a can of coke, sat down next to him, and kissed him. Kissed him! Who even was this girl? Well, she couldn't complain, she had broken up with him. She wasn't anything to him anymore.

With that, Luna gathered up the shattered pieces of her pride, and the radish earrings she had dropped, and she walked away.

I am so sorry. I will make it up to you eventually, for now you can just throw all the stones you want. I love you guys for supporting me, you are all awesome:

I love you

Te amo

Ti amo


So, there. I love in english, Spanish, french and italian. Continue to be your awesome selfs


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