Neville part 2

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"No, I don't want to!" Luna groaned holding on for dear life to the door frame of Ginny's room "You have to! You're coming with me to see Neville whether you like it or not!" Ginny pulled at Luna's waist grunting with effort "FRED, GEORGE, HELP!" Ginny yelled. Fred, who was in college walked up the stairs eating a popsicle and stared at Ginny pulling Luna "What you  up to, sis?" he asked giving the popsicle a lick. Ginny's eyes widened and she nodded her head towards Luna, Fred raised one eyebrow and kept eating, then he slapped his forehead
"My bad, sorry Ginny, where are my manners? Luna darling, would you like a popsicle?" Ginny shook her head and Luna took the opportunity to let go of the doorframe.

She and Ginny crashed to the ground tangled up, they tried to get up and fell, Ginny looked up at Fred "A little help?" Fred didn't move, instead he finished off his popsicle making loud slurping sounds, Ginny tried again "ahem!" Fred looked down as if just now realizing they had fallen "Oh. . ." he turned towards the other direction "Feorgie! The camera please!" foot steps bounced around on the floor above, then a loud crash and more footsteps on the stairs, George appeared

"I'm here Greddie!" he looked at the girls on the ground "Oh, this is gold!" he snapped a picture and  showed it to them, Fred laughed "Adorable! George took Luna's arm and Fred took Ginny's, together, they pulled the girls off the ground.

Luna jumped on George's back and cried out "My savior, you have saved me from going to see Longbottom! For that, I will do your bidding!" Gorge grabbed the sixteen year old  off his back and cradled her "Aww, can we keep her Freddie? Pleeeeease?" Fred opened his mouth then looked at Luna "Wait. . . Longbottom? Oh I've met him, he your boyfriend? I ship it!" He grabbed Luna from George and slung her over his shoulder, then slung Ginny over the other "Let's go get Luna's boyfriend!" He pointed down the stairs and began to march. Luna sighed and both girls looked up at George who shrugged, Luna rested her chin on her hand and Ginny stuck her middle finger out at George who pretended to be hurt.

Fred did not give up and drove them to King's Cross Station, Ginny smirking the whole way. When Fred pulled his father's Ford Anglia into the parking lot and sighed, he looked back at George and said "You got the stuff Georgie?" George smirked "You know it." he picked up a bag and they both got out of the car leaving Ginny and Luna locked inside. Luna started to turn to Ginny who held up her hand.

"Give it a minute." as if on cue, George ran back and opened the door for them to get out "So sorry! You go and get that guy, Sweetie!" he patted Luna on the back and ran towards Fred. The girls walked towards the station, Luna's heart going at 100mph. They went to a bench that was near platforms nine and ten, almost right in between but not quite. They waited until the train arrived.

Luna braced herself. A rush of people started stepping out as she searched the crowd for him. Suddenly, there he was, carrying a suitcase and a backpack, she watched as he scanned the crowd. He saw Ginny and began walking towards them "Hi Ginny, how are you?" Ginny hugged him and smiled "I'm good, yourself Longbottom,?" he smiled "Grand, I think I slept for half the trip, I feel very-" they would not know what Neville felt very like, because he saw Luna and stopped short in his tracks. Luna's heart pounded because he was just staring her up and down. She was about to say something when he hugged her "Hi Luna, I missed you." Luna blushed as she hesitantly put her arms around him as well. He was bending down to hug her and when 'Luna realized this she stood on her tips but it still was not enough, Neville laughed and let go "I'm so glad to see you guys!" Just then Neville's Grandma walked up wearing the biggest hat Luna had ever seen "Neville, darling, would you mind carrying this?" She gave Neville yet another suitcase twice the size of his and Neville smiled apologetically "I've got to go, see you around." He began to walk  away and the girls watched as he left.

Then there was an explosion, Green everywhere and the most horrible smell. Fred and George ran towards them, never stopping or slowing down they grabbed both girls and yelled "Run!" They wasted no time as they ran to the Ford Anglia getting in and driving away before the security guard reached them.

Thank you for reading if you have, the awesome video is from Nani Tonks, she has a bunch of great videos on a bunch of different fandoms, be sure to check her out(her channel, I mean. . . gods!)

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