Plan B

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"You want to what?! Luna shook her head at Michael

"No way." Michael frowned and grabbed her hands

"Come on, Luna! Go through with it and you'll save yourself a lot of embarrassment." Luna sighed.

"Fine, but I want to hear what you say to him." Michael beamed

"Deal." He spit on his hand and held it out, Luna side stepped away from hm.

"Wus." he wiped his hand on his jeans.

"Let's do it now." He took out his phone, dialed Luna's number then headed off in a different direction. Luna went in to the bathroom and sat in a stall while she listened to the conversation.

Michael: "Whats up, Neville?!"  She heard a high five, Michael was so confident.

Neville: "Not much, you?"

Michael: "Good, listen, remember the Luna prank?

Neville: "What about it?"

Michael: "I need you to break up with her."

Neville: "WHAT? WHY?"

Michael: "Because, you can get someone else, no?" Neville mumbled something in response which she couldn't hear.

Michael: "Okay, act it out well, alright?" he began singing "Screaming crying, perfect storm. . ."

Neville: "Okay! Just. . . stop dancing." Luna couldn't help it, she laughed.

Neville: "What was that?"

Michael: "Nothing! I-I need to go!" She listened to him run and then stop out of breath"Luna, you idiot!" she laughed again "I'm not the one singing  about a blank space!"

"Okay, but are you happy now? Master has given Luna a lie. Luna is a free elf!" She was about to say something when he hung up.

She walked out of the bathroom and bumped into someone wearing the seniors' jacket "H-Hi, Luna. . ."

"Hullo, Neville!" He smiled a little, then frowned "I need to talk to you."

"About what?" Neville grabbed her hand and she was  sure her heart had never beat this loud. They began to walk and he said "You know, earlier, with your friend Cho, I'm sorry for pretending. You deserve to know, Michael asked me to-"

"Oh, I know!"

"You do?" she nodded

"Yeah, Michael's a git." To her surprise, Neville laughed. Then he said

"Okay, now start crying." Luna shook her head

"What?" He laughed again

"Start crying, or I'm in trouble, this has to be a perfect storm." This time she laugh, she laughed so hard, tears spilled from her eyes. Neville winked then began walking away. She watched as he left, she acted like she was hurt, but really she just wanted to laugh.

The bell rung and she started walking to maths. Michael appeared next to her as if by magic. "Did he do it?" She nodded.

"Okay. Initiating phase two of operation:get Luna her guy." 


He kissed her. 

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