and then things got messy

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Luna woke up on Monday morning and jumped out of bed. She went to her pet rabbit Flubber's bed, she picked him up and kissed his nose. She got dressed then went downstairs where her father was waiting with a glass of juice and some pancakes

"Hey Daddy, nice day, no?" Her father nodded

"Yes Luna, today I'm going to publish all my new articles about the Loch Ness monster, its going to be great!" Luna beamed

"Im so happy for you Daddy, I'll see you after school!"

Luna skipped out the door to the bus stop just as the bus pulled up. She climbed up and smiled at the driver "Good morning Mr Filch!"

The man grunted and Luna began to walk to her seat. "Hey Loony!"

a senior with blond hair called out "Nice earrings!" Then another senior stood up and said

"Sod off, Malfoy. Leave the poor girl alone!"

Luna smiled at the boy, who turned and winked at her "I've got your back" he mouthed.

Luna smiled, Harry Potter was defending her.

Luna walked into the school and scanned all the heads to find Ginny, she spotted a red head then trotted over to where Ginny was sitting with some other sophomore girls.

"Hey Ginny, you will not believe what happened!" Ginny smiled


Luna told her about Harry and Ginny fanned herself

"He is so dreamy, I'll never get over him, he's perfect!" Luna shook her head

"Nobody is perfect Ginny, Harry thought he was crazy because he saw minoes in a lake one time."

Ginny cackled "That is a story I want to hear but I need to pee. Save my seat?"

Luna nodded and watched as Ginny walked off.

Luna reached for her phone and went into her email, she had a few from Michael which she would answer later. Suddenly, Ginny's phone began to ring. Luna lifted the phone and seeing it was an unknown number answered it cautiously

"He-Hello?" the voice that answered Luna recognized as Neville's

"Hi um, Luna?"

"Is Ginny not around? Can you tell her I need to talk to her, about my move I mean." Luna felt her heart shatter.

"Moving? Where?" She could hear him smiling as he said

"Gran and I are moving closer to the city and I'll be going to your school!" Luna dropped the phone on the table with a loud THUD, It couldn't be. Why would this happen?

"Hello? Luna, you there?" Without thinking Luna hung up. She was dead meat.

Sorry for my updating, or in this case my lack thereof. If you are still out there reading, I love you to death, stay amazing!

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