I hate you, I love you

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Luna cried all night. She even changed her screensaver, it was no longer that stupid , beautiful picture of Neville. It was the last picture she had taken of her mom. She didn't hate him. That was all she knew. Yet, she could not bring herself to admit to loving him. She did, though. Neville Longbottom, the only boy she had ever loved, and now it was over. How could something so strong end so fast?

Luna went to the fridge and grabbed one, or two, or three, okay, maybe four pudding cups. She settled on the couch and watched Just my Luck for like the fiftieth time. Chris Pine and Lindsey Lohan had just kissed the little girl;s face, when her dad rushed in "Turn on the news, Luna!"

She switched the channels and said "What's wrong?" her dad sat next to her, looking extremely nervous. "A storm warning, it's supposed to be huge!" They both looked at the television as a man announced that yes, indeed there would be a really big storm. Luna moaned, Michal was getting out of the hospital this afternoon, he had nowhere to go, AND she would not get to try and apologize to Neville! "Daddy. . . I have to go pick up Michael, Daddy, can he stay here?" Mr Lovegood nodded, because he knew about Michael's parents. "I can drive you."

Once at the hospital, Luna went to the front desk where Michael's parents were signing papers, they finished up and they left, without a word. Jerks. Luna walked slowly to the room where Michael was. He had traded his hospital gown for a green sweater vest and trousers. She stood at the door "You okay, Michael?" Michael beamed 

"Better than ever! I feel very refreshed! Also, the volunteer nurse who helped me change gave me her number!" Luna shook her head and wheeled him away from the room. "Let's go home." So, they did. They sat on the couch and ate more pudding while watching, yet again, Just my Luck.

"I love pudding!" Michael moaned from the place on the couch where Mr. Lovegood had put him. Luna opened her mouth to agree with him, when the family phone rang. She picked up

"Hello?" She said into the phone


"Yes!" she said, recognizing the voice

"I love you." She loved those words, especially when Neville was the one saying them.

Screensaver (a Nuna fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now