Business Talk - Kim Namjoon

Start from the beginning

We were determined to be successful today.

Sitting down, I skimmed through one file with my half-empty (or half-full?) coffee cup in one hand, and a pen in the other.
Then, I heard a click, and my colleagues and I quickly faced the door to courteously greet whoever entered.

As I lifted my head after doing a bow, eyes opening to check who it was, my body went stiff.
It just had to be him first, huh?

Dressed head to toe in black: slicked back hair, a blazer jacket that he gracefully peeled off to reveal a cosy turtleneck, and slacks with polished Oxford shoes. He really was a sight for everyone to behold.
The most handsome businessman to ever walk the earth— wait, why does it sound like I worship him?

While he stepped into the room, his eyes found mine and they widened in surprise before he flashed a smile in acknowledgement.
I can't exactly tell you if I smiled back or remained frozen honestly.

Soon enough, the room was filled with his colleagues. Mr. Namjoon was one of the youngest there at just under thirty-years-old; he was a few years older than me.
The rest of the men and women there were much older than my team and I, with years of experience and unnerving authority.

Yet, as they chattered amongst themselves before the meeting started, I felt calm.
Couldn't dash out at this point, so I just had to get through it.


"Y/N, you killed it!" One of my close co-workers whispered to me with a wide grin once our superiors began talking among themselves again.

As they departed from the room, it seemed as though they were delighted with most of the points that we had brought up, making the atmosphere much more comfortable.
If I had been aiming to feign confidence at the start of the presentation, I was naturally oozing it by the end.

The happiness throughout my team was contagious, and I couldn't help smiling too.
"Me? We all 'killed' it," I replied, chuckling before continuing, "I couldn't have done it without you all. Well done, everyone!"

After more congratulatory words, high fives and handshakes, we started to gather all our things.
I went to take a sip of my coffee, even though I'd be going to the company's cafeteria in time for lunch, only to discover it was empty.

"Must've finished it during the presentation..." I mumbled this valid deduction to myself since I was the last person left inside, though it felt like an obvious occurrence shortly afterwards.

The door clicked open again and, assuming it was one of my colleagues, I didn't look.
"Did you leave something?" I asked instead, my playful tone lifting into the air.

My body stiffened involuntarily again when a surprising voice replied.
"No, no, just thought I should speak with you privately."

It was Mr. Namjoon, answering me in a light-hearted manner as well, but it didn't have that effect on me.
Turning to him, I attempted to smile, but it felt unnatural with abrupt anxiety filling me.

Throughout the presentation, his presence hadn't been as affecting as I thought it would have been.
However, now that we were alone together, my mind raced to the blind date memory.

"O-oh?" Was all I could stutter at first before adding, "apologies, is there anything wrong?"
I thought this was something to do with the presentation, and I was preparing for disappointment. Yet, if he mentioned that horrendous night, I would've felt as equally as crushed too.

"Nothing, Miss Y/N. Nothing but praise for you and your team! Please, tell them that they did wonderfully," he beamed, his formal but warm words comforting me almost immediately.

I gave him a smile of my own, a genuine one this time.
"Of course, sir. I'll be happy to."

"Really, my partners and I were impressed. There are a few things to tweak and develop, as with anything, but it's most likely that we'll go through with this."
His caring enthusiasm about our work made me relax a little more before he continued, "Would it be okay if we met soon again, to discuss further?"

I must've stood still there for a few seconds, my smile faltering as I imagined another dreadful business meeting right after this one.
"Y-yes, no problem. I'll prepare accordingly, sir," I managed to say, attempting to stifle the strain in my voice.

I bowed my head in respect straight afterwards, believing our little talk would be over.
With no hesitation, Mr. Namjoon courteously mirrored me before replying, "Great. Send me an email of when you're free and we could talk over some coffee?"

I blurted out in confusion, before catching myself with wide eyes.

Mr. Namjoon only chuckled at my bemusement, adorable dimples on display.
"We both probably know all the cafés and coffee shops around here by now so there are lots to choose from," he bantered subtly underneath his perpetually poised nature, "but yes, coffee. Just so I can look further into your ideas before getting back to the company board."

With the realisation that he simply meant a one-on-one discussion rather than another full-scale presentation, my body and mind eased once again.
"Ah, yes! I'll email you soon then," I replied, before adding, "I'm sure we'll be able to smoothly decide on a place to meet."

He gave me a thumbs up, to which I felt my cheekbones rise as a smile carved itself onto my face. I was receiving a thumbs-up from the Kim Namjoon.

We gave our goodbyes and he left the room again, leaving me alone for the second time today.
Deeply exhaling, a wave of gaiety gently laved over me.

I was happy with my work, as well as feeling glad that Mr. Namjoon didn't appear to feel awkward with me.
Then, while making my way to the cafeteria, I hoped that my next meeting with him would go well too.

Things were going much better than that busted blind date at least.

The End ♥️

The End ♥️

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