Chapter 18: Thrilling Surprises

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This is a first draft. There will be errors and grammatical mistakes until it has gone through the editing process.

I sat curled up on the oversize sectional downstairs with Tyler. We were watching an old Pokémon movie and I was glad that he'd decided to give the pirate thing a break...well I hope. Work has been running smoothly and my thoughts of Mister Tipton has been far and few in between. I wanted to throw away my old flip-phone, but I held on to and shove it in a box in my closet. It was out of minutes, anyway and no one would be able to contact me.

The latest model of the iPhone sat tucked into the side of couch. I was even issued a work phone. Imagine me walking around with two phones, like real city folk! I chuckle.

"Mommy, what's funny."

"Nothing bud. Mommy just thinking of things to do tomorrow. Want to go to the fair?"

When I didn't get an answer, I place my hand on his forehead. Geez He was hot.

"I don't feel good."

"Mommy will make it better." I said, trying to reassure him.

I pull out my phone and open maps. I type in pediatric care looking for the place closest to me with decent reviews. Finding one, I hope they are still open. Its three in the afternoon. I don't see why not, but I'm afraid they may be packed.

"Hello, I would like to make an appointment for Tyler Sanders."

"Is he a patient?"

"No." I say worried.

"No need to be worried dear. Be sure to have your insurance information and ID. How about three-forty-five?"

"See you soon."

I scoop Tyler up and we pile into the white ford focus. Once I secure him in his seat were off to the doctor.

I sit in the waiting room with Tyler on my lap as I fill out all the necessary paperwork. I'm just grateful that I have the means to properly provide for him. The lady accepts our insurance card and her eyes widen slightly as she takes in our address.

"Is there a problem, ma'am?" I asked as she processes the paperwork.

"No ma'am. Everything is fine. The doctor will be right with you."

"My throat hurts, mommy."

"I know sweetie. We are going to fix it."

My heart aches for my boy. I don't like seeing him sick. I try calming down as my snarkiness is on the rise. I notice the clerk or whatever the hell you call her subtle looks at my ring finger. So fucking what?! I smooth my features out.

"Ma'am, you forgot to list your place of employment." I know damn well I filled that space in. I was so proud in my ability at securing a job for a major corporation that I couldn't wait to brag all about it.

"My mistake." She says as our insurance goes through. I bite my lip to keep from sneering. What is wrong with people? I'm making myself comfortable once more when a heart stopping man comes in through the door. I glanced at him for a nanosecond, but it was enough to take in his features. His eyes were a gunmetal gray while rich blond hair stained from the sun adorned his head. His lips were light pink in color and he wore thick round black rimmed glasses. He was dressed casual in a pair of khaki shorts some sandals with a loose white polo.

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