Chapter 9: Alexander Xavier Tipton III

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This is a first draft. There will be errors and grammatical mistakes until it has gone through the editing process.

Chapter 9 Alexander Xavier Tipton III

It late, early morning hours, I pulled into the parking lot where my apartment was located. I made enough money to pay rent for the next four months with a little left over. I couldn't believe my luck. Shit my back ached and my feet were tingling from being up on them so much. I stuck my key into the lock and twist. I kept quiet as the door squeak open and I see Tasha laying stretched out on the sofa. Damn I was tired. I just wanted to drag myself into my room and pass the fuck out. Couldn't do that though, I had to check on my munchkin. His sleeping face was what drove me to work as hard I can. I was happy as long as he was taken care of. I really needed to get him in preschool. I couldn't afford it.

I opened his door slowly and smile as I saw his sleeping face. My baby boy filled me with such joy. My love swelled in my heart to epic proportions. I sighed quietly closing the door.

"How was it?" Tasha asked me rubbing her eyes.

"Great. If I can get on here and continue to make this kind of money. I'll be set." I answered even though I felt a little guilty since I wouldn't be able to work for Natasha anymore.

"I can stay on as on-call." I offered. There was no way I would be where I am today without her. the feeling of abandonment ran so deep. It still gave me nightmares how I was simply casted away. I was worthless.

Eight hundred and twenty-three dollars was what my pa handed me. It was more money than I'd ever seen at one time. I held it tightly in my fist as it became flimsy from the rain's onslaught. I felt so insignificant, so lost, there was no one I could turn to. Who would help me. I didn't know the first thing about getting a test to confirm my pregnancy. I didn't even have my social security card. Oh...never mind. Seems pa managed to get it to me. Somehow.

Numb I moved towards the horses' stables. My heart thundered in my chest and I was terrified of him finding me. I could hide behind the bale of hay or under it. I sobbed as I realized my place in the world was beneath farm animals. They had a home, a place to lay their heads. I had nothing, but the cash he gave me. I huddled underneath the hay in an empty stall waiting for the rain to subside. I eventually fell asleep.

"What ar' you doing lass?

I jerked awake as the familiar face of a farmhand greeted me. my heart jammed in my chest and I was certain I would die. At least it wasn't my father. I had to get out of here.

"Nothing!" I shouted my twang thick with sleep. "I better get going." I said reaching for my satchel and making my way out of the stables. The sun had yet to rise, but its rays were making their way across the sky. I didn't have a plan. I knew I needed to get back to Texas, maybe find Ray or Sophie. They could help me.

"Is everything okay?"

I stared for a moment at the farmhand. His hat is large casting a shadow on his face. There's a toothpick hanging from his mouth while his hand is resting on one of the horses. It would be so easy to tell this familiar stranger all my problems, but I was sure he had his own family to look after. I shake my head.

"Everything's swell! See ya later!" I shout taking off even though I want to cry.

I'm walking down the long road towards the main one that would lead me into town when I hear a horn hunk. My dress is wrinkled and feels like paper; and ii was certain I stank. I sighed in misery. What was it this time?

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