Chapter 11: Lion's Den

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Sorry for the long waiting period. I am trying to put together an update schedule.





This is a first draft. There will be errors and grammatical mistakes until it has gone through the editing process.

Chapter 11: Lion's Den

After Alexander (it feels weird even in my head) paid the check, I followed him out of the busy café and onto the busy street below. Somehow walking a step behind him, I felt incredibly small. Had he always been such a large man? Anxiety filled my stomach and I misstep for a second as I recalled my red inflamed vagina. Oh no! He was going to see it! Did I even want him to see my vagina? What was he going to do to it? I mean I knew stick his penis in it, but would he put his mouth down there? Why was I even concerned about such a thing? Fuck. I only had sex one time and that was with that idiot Jace. I got pregnant and haven't had sex then. That was almost five years ago. Would it hurt again? Maybe I should've watched some porn to prepare myself, but porn cost money.

"Miss Sanders, you're falling behind."

"Sorry." I muttered as my eyes locked on the ground and we continued walking. I slammed into his back and corrected myself as his cool eyes scanned me from head to toe. I finally focused on the little boutique nestled in between a ring shop and lingerie store. Don't look at the panties!

"if you are going to be in my company, you will dress accordingly." He opened the door and I stepped in front of him and he followed closely behind me. My breath whizzed through my lips as his body brushed against mine. Did he do that on purpose? Was he trying to keep me off balance? Or was I simply over thinking things per usual?

"Welcome! Mr. Tipton."

"This is my new assistant. Found her in the street, but she's incredibly talented. See to it that she's dress accordingly."

"Yes sir."

"I want this sealed."

"Of course. Mr. Tipton. We pride ourselves on confidentiality."

"Very good."

I stood gobsmack as he settled into a leather chaise. Crossing his legs, he pulled out his cellphone before leveling a cool gaze at me and raising an eyebrow. That...that idiot! Jerkface! Asshole! Why did he have to be so good looking and rich too. I followed the salesman towards the fitting room where a woman with a rack of clothing stood waiting. Was this all necessary?

"I'm not a fan of skirts of any shape or fashion." I said to the woman.

"My apologies miss. Mister Tipton usually requires his female assistants to wear them. If you have any concerns, please take them up with Mister Tipton."

I grumbled as I followed the sales lady. She handed me a hanger with a nude color pencil skirt a silk white blouse with distinct round expresso color buttons that scooped around my neck.

"Well, get in there and get dress. Careful with the material."

Of course, I was going to be careful. Didn't need the cost to come out of money. I would bet my ass this shirt cost more than my rent and utilities combined. Doing it for Tyler. I was doing this for Tyler. I must admit the material felt amazing on my skin. I slowly stepped out of the changing room.

"You are stunning dearie. You have a beautiful figure."

I blushed at the woman's words. It made me uncomfortable.

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