Chapter 14: Mine

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This is a first draft. There will be errors and grammatical mistakes until it has gone through the editing process.

"Buurrr," I said rubbing my shoulders, the night air is chilling. My teeth are chattering and I rush towards my vehicle seeking its warmth like nicotine burning its way through a smoker's lungs. Fifty-five and chilly is definitely different from fifty-five and sunny with the sun giving you its warmth, while the moon and night sucks it all away. I'm so busy trying to get my ass into the car that I didn't notice the shadow looming in the distance.

"Eek!" I squeal as I nearly drop my keys and a warm body presses against me. My heart is in my throat and I'm terrified that I'm going to be robbed. Still, I shove my fear aside.

"Look I ain't got shit worth stealing anyway. If you want this piece of shit then you're welcome to it."

"I'm not interested in your lack luster vehicle Miss Sanders. What I want to know is why I've been denied services tonight."

Alexander! What in the actual holy shit buckets was going on here?!

"Wh—what are you doing here?" I asked sounding meekly, but glad that it wasn't some bum coming to take me for all I was worth—which wasn't very much.

"Attention Miss Sanders. I require you to answer my question."

"I'm not required to do anything, but be fucked by you!" I spat angrily remembering laying discarded on his bed like trash, not even allowed a shower to wash the sex away. It was utterly humiliating. I hated him. And I hated how my body responded his. I could feel his hard length pressing into my butt as I faced away from his and towards the car. My fingers have curled reflexively into my palms forming tight fists.

Walk away Lee. You can't afford an assault charge. Do you really want to jeopardize your job? I never really got to internalize the question, for Alexander grasped me by the wrist and spinned me towards him. His eyes shimmered under the stars and I could swear they were shooting lasers at me. I silver of fear slid down my spine and I damn near balked. It only infuriated me, and no one like being a cornered animal. Guess, I didn't know when to shut my mouth.

"What's the matter big man. Jealous. Worried someone else is going to get this pussy." I said egging him on. He didn't care. I would never feel those broad shoulders beneath my hands. Or wrap my legs around his waist. He didn't care! So, why should I?! We never even shared a kiss. I'm so angry I wanted to slap him. I raised my hand to just do that when his fingers laced through mine and he slams his lips against mine.

Wait? Huh? What?

I'm blown away by his passion and I can no longer feel the night's chill. It finally happened. I was kissing him. His scent slid into my nose imprinting itself in my mind. It was fresh, spring clean kind of smell. The kind I could never get tired of inhaling.

"You are mine." He said ripping his mouth away. I stood there muted as these words tumble from his mouth. He squeezes my butt so hard I am sure it's going to bruise.

"Get in the car. And go home, Miss Sanders. I'll be in touch," he said shoving a small roll of money into my bra before turning his back on me. Damn it! He did it again! Why did he keep doing these things to me? I watch his back as he retreated into the building containing a prime market for pinup girls and guys. I opened the car door and climb into it. Once I close the door, I slam my hands on the steering wheel avoiding the horn in a fit of rage. Fucking why! It was like the man knew all my secret desires and played them. He was a master manipulator! Was it that fucking obvious that I wanted a kiss from him. Was I—I don't know; that transparent?!

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