Chapter 10: Play With Me

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This is a first draft. There will be errors and grammatical mistakes until it has gone through the editing process.

I sat down wary of the being in front of me. Handsome men made be nervous and the man in front of me caused my heart to sway which sent terror fleeing through me.

I'm not a hooker. I'm not a hooker.

"Can I get you anything to drink?"

"No sir," I said putting on a serene front. "I'm working." I added as to not offend him. My eyes darted around the men in suits nervously. Was he in the mafia? Some sort of crime lord who fed on the souls of the less unfortunate. Damn. Where was Ryan? I thought he was in charge of Tipton.

"I'm going to be straight forward with you Ms. Sanders."

Oh. I stared at him in surprise.;

"I want you."

"Excuse me?" I asked completely flustered and mortified. What was this?!

"I'm sure you can feel the attraction between us." He continued as if I hadn't spoken. The man was egotistical! He wasn't that damn good looking! Fuck! Okay so what if he is! He can't buy me.

"Che! You're so sure of yourself. Its nauseating." I said mockingly to him even though I wanted to tuck my tail between my legs and flee. "There's nothing here, Mr. Tipton. Now if you'll excuse me." I said attempting to get up from the plush leather seating. My breath left me in a sudden whoosh as he invaded my personal space.

"See that's where you're wrong." He uttered darkly and I'll be damn if I admit it turned me on a little as I lost my voice somewhere in the back of my throat.

"You want me." He whispered into my ear. I could barely breath as his lips barely trailed the outer shell of my ear soft as butterfly's wings. I was scared.

"I—I have to get to work!" I shouted standing suddenly as he stood. This was insanity. Pure insanity. Crazy! I needed to get away. I started to walk away.

"I can make it worth your wild." He continued as I walked away. "I'm sure you could use the extra money. If you didn't need it you wouldn't be here."

I had no idea I would make the biggest mistake in my life.

I shuffled through the front door with my head stuffed full of words from the conversation I had with Mr. Tipton. I couldn't believe his proposal. I wasn't an escort; but what's worse, was the immediate no that didn't spill from my lips. I was appalled at my behavior.

"You're more than welcome to spend the night I told Rachel as I peeked in on Tyler before entering my bedroom. I closed the door. I watched as she laid back down on the sofa. We all had our problems. Sometimes life was shitty. The little turds just keep falling from the sky and your left with the foul stench of shit and no matter how much you scrub you stink. I collapsed on my full-size bed. Why didn't I say no. The envelope white envelope holding three thousand dollars was why I couldn't say no.

My alarm shoots off at seven and I climb out of bed. My clothes from the previous night are strewn in a disorderly fashion the floor. I kicked them into the corner before shifting through the basket of panties on my dresser that was missing a drawer and handles. Was I willing to sell myself for money? I hadn't had sex other than the one time I gave my virginity to that bastard. Could I do it? I mean Mr. Tipton was a nice-looking guy. I was barely making it with Tyler and I couldn't rely on Rachel forever. Damn it! I grabbed the underwear, a bra and jumped in the shower. I had to hurry before Tyler woke.

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