Chapter 4: Girl Talk and Masculine Parts

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This is a first draft. There will be errors and grammatical mistakes until it has gone through the editing process.

"This room is amazing. I know I keep saying that word but it is." I said staring at the skylight in her room. "Can you see the stars at night?"

"Sometimes, but it's really hard. This is the city and with all the city lights it becomes difficult to see them. I bet there really cool where you're from."

"Yeah," I said sitting on her bed. "Sometimes they seemed so close it feels like you can reach out and touch them." I said reaching towards the ceiling while smiling at Sophie.

"How old are you Amelia?"

"Seventeen. People tell me I'm book smart all the time. Your dad seemed surprised when I told him or when he read my file."

"You must be a genius. A lot of interns are already college bound. I'm sixteen."

"Well, ma and pa homeschooled me so I've never been to a regular school."

"What?! What about prom?"


"Not who. You mean what!" she said staring at me in horror.

"Well. I never heard of it. I've always been in my room or near the cow shed. Ma and pa didn't allow me to go very far. Just to church, but I'm always with them."

"No wonder you seem so clueless."

"I'm not clueless!" I said indignantly.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. You're naïve."

"You sound like my uncle Ray."

"Well your Uncle know it's not normal or healthy for you to be raised in such an environment." She said looking at her nails before focusing on me.

"I'm normal. I have a good head on my shoulders."

"I bet you don't know anything about sex." She said smiling wickedly at me.

"I do so!" I said to her.

"Then tell me what you know." She said laying down next to me while lifting one perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Well, ma said it hurts and not to do it." I said slowly as I thought about the memory. "She seemed really weird when she talked about it though."

"No way!" Sophie said cackling. She laughed so hard tears rolled from her eyes. "Is that it?" she finally asked.

"Well yes I suppose. It was the strangest conversation I'd ever had with my ma you know. I couldn't understand why she kept talking about the male and female reproductive systems. I know intercourse is needed to reproduce."

"Sex is intercourse." Sophie said rolling her eyes at me.

"Oh." I said suddenly horrified. "No wonder why she was so flustered." I chuckled.

"Do you know why people have sex?" Sophie asked.

"Uh, to reproduce."

"Yeah, sometimes. Miss smarty pants." She said rolling her eyes. "But they do it because it feels amazing."

"Really?!" I asked surprised. "But ma says it hurts."

"Only the first time, because you lose your virginity. He has to pierce through your hymen."

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