The Search

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Harry's POV

I tiptoed to the kitchen as silently as I could.  My eyes are still sleepy but I need water to quench my thirst.  I can't understand myself at all these past few days.  I have been dreaming things I couldn't clearly see. They were all nothing but a blur. And when I try to decipher and see what these dreams are,  I grow frustrated because I can't understand a thing. 

And tonight,  I was dreaming the same thing over and over again.  I am a vampire but it felt like I am all human.  Vampires don't dream either asleep or not. That was the weirdest thing about me.

As I got to near to the kitchen door,  there was a commotion.  A commotion most likely made by human.  And by the smell of it,  it tells me its by a human at all.

I got to the kitchen,  lit up by the moonlight, shining through the window.  The shadow of the moon casts a shadow overhead.  But as a vampire or as they say that I am,  I can clearly see the sorroundings. 

When I was about to open the refrigerator,  which was on the left side,  the door of it slammed close. There I saw Adrielle with a carton of milk on her hand and a cookie on the other one.

"Jesus Christ Harry, " she muttered as she saw me.  "You could kill me with that, "

"Milk and Cookie in the middle of the night?" I asked.

"Midnight Snack,  ever heard of that?"

"I did but its already 2 am.  Midnight is at 12." I told her.  She rolled her eyes and turned the lights on. 

"Whatever,  I am hungry, " she growled. She sat down on one of the stools in the counter.

"Diet?" I asked.

"You mind?" she asked sarcastically.  Her mouth full of cookie crumbs and few are falling from the cookie.

"I don't like seeing girls eating less when they should eat a lot, " I said.  "Every girl is beautiful whatever they are or what body they are in," I said,  her staring at me. 

"Whoa.  Touchy, " she said and continued to eat.

"Why are you awake anyway? You are always sound asleep at this time of the dawn, " I said.  "And don't you dare to say that you are hungry,  because I know there is a real reason why, "

"You actually know,  then why ask?"

"I really don't know the reason but I know something is up, " I honestly told her. She stared at me blankly.  "Mind to tell me?"

"We are not close. Why would I trust you?" she asked.

"Because we are allies somehow though we are acting like cat and dog, always after each others tails, " I said.

"As if that would convince me," She said with her mouth full of cookie crumbs. "We are not this close. Don't assume."

"Fine.  I don't even care.  I was just trying to help you, " I said as I looked inside the refrigerator,  taking out a carton of milk and sat down on the stool right across her. "I will just sit here and drink my own milk. I ain't will be talking shit."

"Good," she mumbled as I started to drink milk and stared at her. She was glancing at me when she realized that I was staring at her.

"What the heck?" she hissed. "What the fuck are you staring at?" she asked, irritated.


"You said that..."

"I said 'I ain't will be talking shit.' I never said I will not stare at you,"

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