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Adrielle’s POV

I can feel that something is up.

I can feel that there is something wrong.

Silence. Darkness. Fear.

I could feel it in my bones.

“Addie.” I heard a whisper. I want to move but I was too frozen to even move a finger. I slowly opened my eyes/

Silence. Darkness. Fear.

Except that I could feel someone is right beside me.

“Adrielle.” A voice I oh so know. A glimpse of his blond hair made me realized right away who he is.

“Niall.” I whispered back and then I found the strength I needed to move. “Why are you whispering? What’s happening?”

“I hate to wake you up but there’s something wrong.” He answered. “I could feel it.”

I sat down and was about to switch the lights on but Niall was fast enough to stop me. “Niall.”

He gave me a look. Even in darkness, I could see his eyes. “Don’t.” He said, serious tone evident to my ears. “All the lights are off.”

“What do you mean?” I asked

“Liam turned off all the lights.” He answered, “I told them.”

I began to feel nervousness creep in me. “Niall.” I said, this time, being more serious. “Tell me what exactly is wrong.”

“A force.” He answered. “It seems that Miley is really out to get you.”

“A force?”

“Her kin of vampires. Not the kind I and the lads belong in.” Niall said, his eyes closing.

“What are you doing?” I asked

“Addie, they are near.” He answered as his eyes opened.

“Where are the lads.” I asked

“They’re calling the others and Utopia. All the need we help. And they are trying to secure a safe path for you.”

“I don’t need any protection.” I said firmly. “I cannot just run away, Niall, like I always do.”

“Listen to me, Addie.” Niall said, his tone is much firmer than mine. “You don’t exactly know who you are dealing with.”

“How am I supposed to if I keep on running away?” I retorted but keeping my voice firm. “No matter how many times I will run away, they will just be after me. And I cannot stand anymore that innocent lives will be disturbed just because of protecting me.”

“Because you are meant to be protected, Adrielle.” Niall answered.


“Yes you are.” He answered. “You are the answer to everything. You are they key. You are the light.”

I shook my head. “You are wrong, Niall. I can never be.”

“You’ve always been, Addie.” He said. “You’ve always been. That is why we stayed.”

“I understand that you stayed because I am the one who can save you but I don’t understand why you have to be so not straightforward to me with that?” I asked

“That’s because it is not just the reason why.” He answered. “Even if we did not know, we would do the same.”

I looked to him and even if in the darkness, I see his eyes. Red almost as blood. “Wait.” I said, realizing. “Your eyes.”

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