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"So, how was it?" Amy asked as soon as I got up early to eat the next morning. She was preparing food for everyone.

I took a glance at her before picking up a mug to make some coffee. "It was good. I learned lots of things. Most were really additional information but, it was good. At least I am aware of many things about me."

She smiled as she slid a plate full of toast. "Are you going to the trial later?"

I shrugged. "I am not sure. Maybe?" I then sighed while I poured hot water to the mug that has the coffee powder and sugar. "I really don't know. I can't stand seeing the faces of those vampires who were about to kill me."

Amy smiled, sympathy all over her face. "I would be confused if I were in your shoes." she said

I slid to a seat. "I am wondering." I said and Amy turned her attention to me. "Were there darkhunters who got killed?"

She smiled. I knew it meant that no one got killed but I could tell that there is still something wrong. "None. Yet, there were many who got injuries. But everyone's working hand in hand to help them and heal them as soon as possible."

I breathed out the breath that I was actually holding. "At least, that's some good news."

She nodded. "Indeed." she said before returning to finishing on preparing the food.

I was seated alone, without touching the cup of hot coffee I made for myself. There were so many things I am thinking of. Until my cousins, which the world knows as this band 5 Seconds of Summer, noisily went downstairs, shaking me out of my reverie.

"Oh," It was Michael. "You're awake."

I nodded. "I knew that."

They just shot each other a look before making their way to the table. Amy was setting down the plates for the four, as if she already knew that they were coming. "So, tell us." It was Luke who picked his mug up, checking whether it is empty or not. "How was yesterday?"

I smiled. "It was fine. But all I knew made me nothing but confused." I sighed. "There must be an easy way to deal with this."

"Trust me," Calum said. "There is no easy way to deal off with this kind of matter."

"Thank you." I breathed sarcastically. "Now, that's really scaring me."

I caught Ashton glancing at Calum, his eyes warning him off before he turned to me with a sympathetic smile. "Well, you'll get over it, eventually."

I shrugged and grabbed my mug. "I'm heading out."

"Oh," Luke said. "I saw Harry earlier. Maybe he's also out."

I did not answer and just nodded. I then deposited my now empty mug to the sink. "Just give me a call when there's something wrong." and without any other word, I left right away. Not even saying a word to Amy.

When I got out of the front door, I took a deep breathe. It was like as if I never breathed for a long time. I closed my eyes, letting the air crash on my skin. Caressing me. I did not notice how long was I closing my eyes, until I heard someone clear his throat. And only Harry does that most of the time.

"So, I heard your cousins scaring you off." he said

With my eyes still shut, I groaned. "I hate your vampire ears."

"I am pleased to have it." he said with a laugh. Feeling insulted, I groaned once more. "But were they?"

I nodded. "It made me scared."

"Don't be." He said. "I mean, I was once in your shoes, Adrielle. It's not fun at first, to think about so much that you eventually will feel that you can't breathe any longer. As if you are carrying the weight of the world upon your shoulders." then he stopped then chuckled. "Well, in my case, I wasn't breathing at all because I was worried about being a blood sucker."

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