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Adrielle's POV

I felt my heart beating so fast that it's hard to catch up with it anymore.

It's like I have never been used to breathe at all.

Sometimes, you need to change the reality. Sometimes, those things you had left behind in the past should never affect you that much anymore at the present. But, there are those things you cannot help but to feel as if something that is terrible that has happened had occurred just yesterday. As if the memory is still fresh in your brain.

"Are you sure about this?" Harry asked as we follow behind Utopia.

I nodded, shaking. "I think now's the time to face this. It's been years. At least, this is my way of giving respect to my late parents."

Harry nodded slightly yet obviously in doubts. I could understand him, I really do. I know he is reading my mind but he is trying to get out what is in me by asking. I know he is just trying to be helpful, though seemingly he doesn't want to. But then through the years, I think now is the right time to see my parents, even if they are already six feet under.

I took a deep breathe and I know, Harry could hear the sound that I made. I am even thinking that Utopia had heard it as well. I don't know. I am very nervous honestly and it's weird. I know that I won't be seeing my parents face to face but not seeing them through the years made me think that they are strangers to me.

I have forgotten about them almost completely and the only vague memory I could remember about them is when the last time I have seen them, when they were supposedly have left for England, only not able to return after Miley's people went after them and killed them. I was a kid then and I was deceived, blinded enough not to know everything and believe anything I thought were for real. And at the top of it, I was only twelve.

I was told and I believed that they had left me because they don't want me. But I could tell yet I was too fool. I was in the state of having those emotions overflowing. They took that as an advantage and they knew about it that it was bound to happen. And all those years I wasted it thinking that life was so unfair when it wasn't even at all.

"If you need someone to tell your thoughts to, you can tell me." Harry said from behind me. I decided to nod, instead to mock him like I always do or like what always happen. Honestly, I wanted to but I am more of mindful about what is going to happen anytime soon.

"Here we are," Utopia said as he stopped in front of this huge house. It looked more than a house to me, more than a mausoleum.

"This looked like a house to me." I said

Utopia turned to me and nods.

"It is a house. The house where your family used to live."

I momentarily forgot that this is not the dimension of Utopia anymore, but of the human dimension where vampires and darkhunters lived in chaos or harmony. I was thinking too much that all that has been occurring to me were taking all of me. I was out of myself.

"It's a nice house," Harry said, sounding so genuine.

"It's familiar to me."

"Why not?" Utopia said. "This is the house where all began."

I and Harry looked at one another. We knew by then that Utopia is referring to only one thing. And that is about who we were years ago.

"This house is built in the middle of 1800's. All the social gatherings of the darkhunters happened here. I myself is a frequent of this house because this house is a royal. A house that holds too many memories of the royals. But after the last of the royals, your family, had gone and with you, trying to live out the life your forefathers had never lived, I myself, being left this house to, decided to make this a sanctuary of the royals."

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