Chapter Three

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❥ Crush On Mr. Bad Boy ❥

Chapter Three

I waved goodbye to my friends and walked out of the school property, and up to the bus stop where I was supposed to wait for the bus to come and drop me home like everyday. I didn't have a car, and I couldn't walk home everyday since the distance from my school to my house was a bit to much. So, instead I used the bus for my ride everyday. The bus arrived and open its doors to let the passengers in. I walked in and greeted the bus driver since I knew him.

"Hey, Mark how are you?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"I'm good, how are you kiddo?" He asked as I pulled my card out of the machine.

"Same like always" I said. Mark was the bus driver for this bus so I saw him everyday and that's the reason why I knew him pretty well.

I walked till the back of the bus and sat down, I find the backseats more comfortable than the ones in the front. I pulled out a book from my bag and started reading from where I had last left off.


The bus dropped me off at the bus stop and I walked the rest of the way home. I walked up my drive way and noticed my step-mothers car along with my step- sisters.

"Get ready April" I muttered to my self as I opened the door. I took my shoes off and walked in the living room.

"Ah... who do we have here?" A voice asked from behind. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before turning around.

"What took you so long?" My step mother asked anger showing in her eyes.

"I-I'm j-just five m-minutes l-l-late" I stuttered in fear.

"Exactly, your five minutes late" she yelled angrily.

"S-Sorry" I said.

"Sorry doesn't count" a voice said from behind my step-mother.

Tori smirked at me. Yeah you got that right, Tori, the one who bullied me at school, yeah guess what, she was my step-sister, how lovely. Note the sarcasm there. Tori made my life a living hell at school and at home too along with her mother.

"Your going to get a punishment" she smirked.

I thought it was the best if I stayed quiet because if I talked, I'd have more consequences.

"Here, lets do this, since I'm your step sister I won't give you much work to do today, so just go clean my room along with moms and just clean the mess behind you and don't forget to go and clean the kitchen." She finished with a smirk before walking out the room.

"Oh yes, don't forget to sweep and mop the floor" my step mother said before she walked off to her room leaving me alone.

My life is worst than hell.

I took a deep breath before finishing off all the assigned work I was supposed to do.

(few hours later)

After I finished doing all the work I was assigned by my step mother and sister, I grabbed my backpack and got out my homework.

I quickly finished it since it wasn't very hard. Just some essays I needed to submit tomorrow.

"April", Tori's annoying little voice yelled. I sighed and got up.

I knocked on her door.

"Come in" she ordered. I pushed her door open and walked in.

"Did you call me?" I asked.

"No, I called Obama" she said sarcastically and rolling her eyes at my dumbness.

"Here do my homework as well" she said handing me her homework.

I couldn't argue with her because if I did I would've gotten in trouble.

I nodded before taking her homework in my hands and walking to my room and finishing it off.

By the time I finished it was 9:00 so that meant it was dinner time.

And by dinner time I meant cook for my step sister and mother and than when their finished eat by your self.


I had finished making dinner, and my step mother and sister had ate theirs and so had I after. I noticed the time at the clock and ran off to my room.

I pushed the window open and stared at the sky.

"Come on" I muttered looking out in the sky. I was staring at the sky for about a few minutes before I saw what I wanted to for so long.

A shooting star.

I shut close my eyes and brought my joined hands in front of my face and wished.

"I wish that all the trouble in my life quickly fades away and so that I could live in happiness. Please make that day come soon. Also I hope that Aaron James Carter falls in love with me although I know that'll never happen, but there's something called a miracle and I hope that miracle happens in my life, please."


You know what the drill is



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