finding a mother

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"What are you doing?" Alec asks, walking up behind magnus and putting his arms around him.

"Remember when we were talking about having a baby and using a surrogate?"


"Well, this website helps you find one."

"There is actually a website?"

"Yeah and I have some meetings set up for tomorrow afternoon if that's ok."

"Of course it is." Alec says, nuzzling magnus's neck.


"Are you magnus and alec?"

"Yes and you must be marcie." Magnus says, shaking her hand.

"Yes." She says, looking at them. "Yes, i will definitely have to do a complete cleanse on you both and probably your home as well."

"Excuse me?" Alec asks.

"I can't possibly even think about doing this if you both and your home is completely cleansed of any negative energy."

"How do you even know we have negative energy?" Magnus asks.

"Because I can see all your past lives and they always leave negative energy."

"Well." Alec says. "Thank you very much for your time. We will let you know."

"Wow." Magnus says after she leaves. "She was weird."


"So, you are the two who want a baby."

Magnus looks up, swallows and says, "yeah."

"Well." She says, sitting down in the chair backwards. "I am your best offer."

"We do have other people to meet with."

"No, I will be the one you chose."

"We will see." Magnus stammers as she stands up and leaves.

"That one is scary and a definite no." Alec says, laying his head on magnus's shoulder.


"So." The lady says from across magnus and alec. "Which of you will be fathering the child."

"Me." Alec answers.

"Good." She says, looking him up and down. "You are just my type."


"When we make this baby."

"We are using artificial insemination. "

"Oh no, we will do it the old fashioned way."

"Absolutely not, you are not having sex with my husband."

"I am not having sex with anyone but you." Alec says, kissing magnus when they are alone again.


"Hi." The young lady says, sitting down. "Magnus and alec?"

"Yes." They both answer.

"It is nice to meet you." She says, sitting down.

"Why is someone so young want to be a surrogate?" Alec asks.

"Well, my mother wasn't able to have children so they used a surrogate and I had a great childhood so I want to give another family the same happiness we had."

Magnus and alec look at each other, sharing a silent conversation then alec says with a smile, "you're perfect."

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