\.Sooner Or Later./

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Tuesday, - January 3, 1989

"Okay, you ready?"
I heard his voice coming from behind me as I slowly turned around.
"Wait!Don't - Don't open your eyes though!"
He chuckled.
"Ok, I - what's going on here?I thought you just wanted to give me a hint of what we'll be doing today?"
"Yeah, I - okay...you can - open your eyes now."
I slowly opened them, a little scared of what took him about 20 whole minutes to go get a freaking hint.
I exclaimed, walking towards him as I examined this cute little chimpanzee on his arm.He had put on a shirt, looking at me with big eyes as I suddenly noticed something else on Michael's arm too.
"Oh no no no!What the- aahhhhh!"
I screamed, quickly running towards the table, squatting down behind a chair.
I took a deep breath out as I peeked my head towards him again.
"Are you totally out of your mind?This -"
I pointed at his chest.
"is a freaking boa constrictor!Are you crazy?"
He just laughed, slowly approaching me.
"No no no, Michael!You can beautifully stay where you are.I can take Bubbles but - don't even think of convincing me to take this snake!I'm serious.I love all animals, they're kind and cute.Love is my message and I'll heal the world someday - but that's going wayyy too far my dear friend."
He laughed even more as I brushed my hair out of my surely red face.
"Mira, this snake won't harm you.Look, it's hanging around my neck and I'm totally fine."
He tried to assure me.
"And those were the last words of Michael Joseph Jackson...Boy, that is dangerous!"
His laughter filled the room again as he carefully put Bubbles down.He shook his head.
"Okay, then take him..."
He said, smiling at me.
"Thank you...Come here Bubbles."
I patted on the floor as he looked up at Michael, then back at me.
"It's ok buddy - she's a friend."
Aww, Mikey.
He made a funny noise, slowly approaching me.I stood up again, extending my hand and before I knew it, he was already holding mine.
"Aww, look!He's so sweet..."
I smiled.
"Yeah, I think he likes you!"
Suddenly I felt him pulling my arm.
"Oh, he - he wants you to take him in your arms."
"Oh, sure!"
I carefully lifted him up and as soon as he was in my arms, he laid his soft and fuzzy head on my shoulder.
"Aww, he is soo cute.Look!"
I squealed, hearing Michael giggle.
"I know, right?But - we shouldn't be complimenting him too much.I'm afraid his ego will get too big."
He laughed as I joined him.
"But - wait.Are we going to the petting zoo now...or -"
I gulped.
"the serpentarium?"
"Whatever you like but - they're all behind safe glass.So..."
"Oh okay, then it's okay."
I smiled at him, adjusting my red pullover with my free hand.

At noontime...
He looked at the glass window, then back at me and Bubbles who, by the way, was about to fall asleep in my arm any second soon.
"I'm so glad we've got those better ones now..."
He sighed.
"What - the...glass windows?"
I asked.
"Yeah, I mean - a couple of months ago, one of my staff members had a...well, accident with one of them because the snake was quite - aggressive and...hungry."
My eyes got big as he told this horror story as if it was a freaking fairytale book.
"What?And you let me go insi-"
"I was joking!"
He laughed.
"That was not funny!I -"
But his gasp suddenly interrupted me.
I asked, a little annoyed for nobody should joke around with me and snakes or spiders in connection.
"Just - don't turn around.DON'T - move!"
His eyes, now filled with fear, got big as he slowly approached me.
"Just don't -"
"Michael, what are you talki- oh no!What's behind me?"
"It's - she's not dangerous, Mira.Just - she can get a bit...complicated at times, that's a-"
He tried to asssure me.
"Michael!Is there a snake behind me?"
He slowly nodded his head.
"Shhh!If you don't move, she won't think you're her enemy.Then she'll be nice.You just - just don't move.She knows my voice, that's why she's not doing anything - for now."
He explained as I started sweating like crazy.Why is it always me?
"Oh, no no no no!Don't - "
"What?Michael!I - Do something please!"
I squealed, closing my eyes but quickly opened them by the sound of his sweet laughter.
"What's so freaking funny?"
I asked, Bubbles being awake by now.
"You -"
He pointed at me, still giggling.
"You should've seen your face!"
Oh no, that lil' boy didn't.He didn't.
I took a deep breath, turning around to look behind me.Nothing - no snake.
"Michael, I swear - I'm gonna ki-"
"I'm sorry.I just had to..."
He said, taking a step closer.
"Michael, I was already planning which casket I wanted and how the flowers should be looking.I was at the point where I even thought about which freaking song to pick for my god damn funeral!"
I whined as his laughter became louder again.
"I'm sorry."
"Geez, I thought I'd die!Don't you ever -"
I pointed at him.
"ever - do that again!"
"Okay okay...I won't."
He took a step closer, carefully putting his hand on my back.
"Just remember...I'm gonna get you for that sooner or later, honey."
I warned him as we slowly walked out of the building.Approaching the door, I suddenly felt something lightly pulling my hair.I turned my head to the side, only to find Bubbles being obviously amused by the fact that my hair was so much longer than his black fur.
"Bubbles!Let go of her hair."
Michael demanded as I immediately felt his grip loosening.
"You know, that's not how you treat girls.You gotta be careful."
He looked at him, then at me.I smiled.
"Very right."
Bubbles apologetically placed his head on my shoulder, causing Michael and me to laugh.
"It's okay sweetie, you didn't hurt me."
I assured him, taking a step out of the snake house, breathing in the fresh air.It smelled like earth, all different kinds of flowers and trees.
"Has it been - raining?"
I asked, looking up at the rather cloudy sky, then back at Mike.
"Yeah, I...I think so.Well, you wanna go to the pet zoo then?They don't bite for sure."
He smirked.
He added, having me shaking my head.
"I hope so...otherwise I'm gonna have no other chance than to sue you and this whole ranch, my dear..."
We laughed at my statement.
"Oh, I see - You're not the sweetheart you seem to be...How much would you want me to pay then?"
He chuckled, giving my shoulder a light nudge.
"Hmmm...Maybe I wouldn't want your money though."
I looked at him, seeing that he raised his eyebrow.
"How -"
"I mean...Maybe you could pay with something different..."
I stood still, looking into his big eyes.
"I'm just thinking - paying with money is nothing I'd like - you'd probably pay with your...life."
I smirked, shortly after continuing to walk on as if nothing had happened as I quietly laughed to myself.
I'm gonna get him for all of his pranks...
Hearing no noises which sounded like footsteps coming from behind me, I slowly turned around to check if he was following me or not - but no one was there.My head then spun around again with me wondering where he could be.Suddenly I heard a rather soft voice whispering into my ear.
"Miss Abelin, Miss Abelin...I didn't know you could be that - threatening!"
I looked up from the ground, only to meet his angelic face as I noticed him touching his bottom lip.I smirked.
"Well, I told you I'd pay you back for all of your jokes..."
He cleared his throat, adjusting his black jacket.
"But I didn't say I'd kill you, darling."
I gave him a big and innocent smile as a response, lightly patting him on the shoulder.
"Not yet, Mike...not yet."

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