\.Somewhere Sometime./

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Saturday, - June 9, 1979

"That nasty boogie bugs me
But somehow it has drugged me
Spellbound rhythm gets me on my feet
I've changed my life completely
I've seen the lightning leave me
My baby just cant take her eyes off me
Don't blame it on the sunshine
Don't blame it on the moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie
I just can't
I just can't
I just can't control my feet
I just can't
I jus-"

"Hey girls, I have to turn off the music for a minute, sorry.But I really need to concentrate right now...Just twenty minutes and we should be there!"
My father said, interrupting our extremely loud singing to the song we had been listening to.My best friend Adriana immediately turned her head towards me and then looked at the driver's seat in front of her.
"We've only got twenty minutes left?"
She asked my father, totally surprised by what he just had told us.I was a bit shocked myself.The drive didn't last as long as I imagined it to be.We were dancing and signing in the car like crazy and time literally just flew by.
"Oh my god Adri, we'll see them in just two hours!"
I said while I grabbed her hands and then hugged her tightly.We were both squealing and so very excited because we would be seeing The Jacksons tonight and I was determined that this evening would be the best we've ever had so far.I leaned back in the black leather seat of our orange mercedes-benz my dad had bought just a few years ago and let the wind glide through my light brown hair.I breathed in the fresh air and thought about how the Destiny concert would turn out to be.A smile was immediately plastered on my face and I was so excited to see them all in person for the very fist time, especially Michael.
He was my favorite.The way he looked, his hair and ugh - THOSE EYES!I really wish he would start a career as a solo artist, I know he'd be just fantastic!If you ask me, he's better than all his brothers combined and don't get me started on that angelic voice of his...So smooth and raspy all at the same time...ahhh,I love him so much.
"Mira, you've got the letter for him, don't you?"
She asked me, looking a bit shocked.I thought for a second and decided to joke a bit.
"Oh no!The letter!"
I dramatically said while I put my hands on my cheeks and acted as if I just made the biggest mistake in my life.She started to get a bit angry.Actually you should never play with an italian girl's temper but sometimes it was just too funny ...
"Mira are you serious right now?Guuurl I thought you took it.Uuuggh!"
She sighed deeply and I decided to tell her the truth before she'd kill me.To be honest - if I were her I'd probably act the same way.
"Well I think I really forgot it..."
I put my left hand in the back pocket of my dark blue jeans and pulled out the letter.
"I only got this."
I showed it to her and we both started laughing after her eyes turned big.Then she punched me in my arm.
"Ouch, that really hurt!"
I said as if she'd just ripped off my arm, making us laugh even more.Than we focused on the letter again.We wrote it yesterday evening after my 16th birthday party at my garden.She surprised me with those two tickets for tonight's concert and then we immediately decided to write a letter for Michael.Somehow he had to get it and we would try everything to make him read it...

The evening before...
"Okay sooo...How should we start?"
Adri said with her eyes glistening in the moonlight which was shining through the opened window in my room.It was the only light besides the little lamp on my nightstand, making the room look more cozy.It was a rather cold night here in Washington and although it was already 1 a.m. on a Friday night, almost every neighbor had fallen asleep already.The only thing you could hear were some cars driving up or down the street next to my house and some chirping owls.
"I don't know."
I said, falling back on my big bed as I stared at the ceiling.
"Maybe we should begin with: Dear Michael or Dear The Jacksons, I don't know man."
Adri said and played with her long dark brown curls.
"No, I got a better idea."
I stretched myself and sat up again, then I cleared my throat dramatically.
"Dear Michael Joseph Jackson, you look so damn good and beautiful.Please make me yours and I do anything you want me to, I promise.I love you.You're hot and amazing.Caaall me, your future wife.Thanks!"
we both busted out laughing until we couldn't breathe anymore.
"Gurl seriously, we're so stupid."
She said while whiping away her tears from laughter.Well, eventually we were able to put ourselves together and wrote a - so I think - really good and emotional letter.It did take us two or three hours to do so but I think it was definitely worth it in the end.
"I think we really got something good here gurl!Hopefully we will have the chance to give it to him..."
Then I noticed that this sentence could be interpreted a bit different and as I saw Adri raising her eyebrows at me, we started laughing again.Then we laid down on my bed and talked about how the concert would turn out to be until we fell asleep next to each other...

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